7 Things You Will Definitely Not Miss About The Baby Stage

Children grow up really fast, and before you realize they are no longer the little munchkins that they used to be. The times when we took care of our babies is something we are going to cherish forever. However, people often tend to forget certain aspects of that stage — such as the sleepless nights and the ordeal of changing diapers — that was far from pleasant. It is hard to comprehend when some people while romanticizing the stage, end up forgetting such aspects. Below we have mentioned a few of those things that we would definitely not miss about the baby stage.

In This Article

1. Changing Diapers Every Other Hour

Changing Diapers Every Other Hour

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Babies need to be fed at regular intervals. This means that they are going to poop a lot too. Every parent knows how they had to constantly change their little one’s diaper throughout the day. Although it obviously differs from one baby to the other, it won’t be a stretch to say that their diaper needs to be changed multiple times during the day. Now that is definitely something that no parent would reminisce about once your kid finally starts their potty training.

2. Constant Tracking Of The Bowel Movements

Constant Tracking Of The Bowel Movements

Image: Shutterstock

As new parents, we had to constantly check our kid’s bowel movements as part of assessing their health. Not a day went by when you didn’t have to regularly check the consistency, texture, and color of the poop. While this may not have been the hardest of things that came along with being a new parent, tracking your baby’s bowel movements isn’t something any of us really miss.

3. Long Sleepless Nights

Long Sleepless Nights

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The word goodnight does not hold any literal value for new parents as it is hard to get a proper night’s sleep when you have your baby waking up every few hours. We all remember getting up in the middle of the night to feed our little ones and getting them to finally go back to sleep. You are constantly sleep-deprived and yet have to be on your toes to cater to your baby’s every need. If you think that is bad, try imagining having to live that way for months! It is safe to say that walking around like a zombie is definitely something you are never going to miss with your baby growing up.

4. Having People Over All The Time

Having People Over All The Time

Image: Shutterstock

While having people around you offering a helping hand after having a baby is definitely nice, it can also get a little tiring at times. Most of us (if not everyone) have experienced people coming over to our place right after the arrival of the little one. While it is quite a nice gesture on their part, it also becomes a burden to have to cater to guests all the time when you are completely exhausted in the first place.

5. Looking After A Fragile Being

Looking After A Fragile Being

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It is no news that babies are extremely fragile and demand your attention 24/7. For instance, parents need to make sure that the bath they set for their baby is at the perfect temperature. They also need to be properly fed at all times. You have to handle your little one with a lot of care and patience. As babies have soft spots on their heads soon after birth, it is important for parents to make sure that anyone holding them is extra cautious. With your baby all grown up and stronger than before, that is one less thing that you need to worry about.

6. Owning A Hundred Burp Cloths

Owning A Hundred Burp Cloths

Image: Shutterstock

Burping might seem cute until you have a baby of your own. That’s when you notice the number of burp cloths you would have to go through in a day. Apart from the growing pile of laundry, let’s also not forget those times when you held your little one, and their spit-up got all over your shoulder. Parents with newborns could never imagine leaving their house without having a burp cloth with them at all times. It was not the best time to wear your favorite clothes either unless you wanted them all covered in stains! It is safe to say that no parent would miss that phase in their baby’s life.

7. Regular Appointments With The Doctor

Regular Appointments With The Doctor

Image: Shutterstock

We all remember those regular visits to the doctor as soon as our kid was born. While it helps you be at ease regarding your baby’s health, having to run to the hospital every week can become quite a daunting task when you are exhausted at all times. However, as your baby grows up, the visits also reduce eventually until you no longer have to worry about them anymore.

Although parents always feel nostalgic about the days when they could hold their kids in their arms, these are certainly a few aspects of that stage that they don’t wish to relive. What are some other things that you feel you won’t miss about those days? Let us know in the comments below.

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