Backward Uterus - Does Tilted Uterus Affect Pregnancy?

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There are times when you are completely caught off guard about a medical condition that you might have. You may be unaware that you are suffering from an unusual condition for a long time. One such condition is a tilted uterus. Yes, there is a condition called tilted uterus, and we are as surprised as you are. What exactly is a tilted uterus? Will it hamper your chances of having a baby? Let’s find out!

The uterus is a pear-shaped organ which will be home to a developing baby. Normally, the uterus will be in a vertical straight position. However, in some cases, the uterus will be tipped backward towards the pelvis. Interestingly a tilted uterus is also known by the following terms (1):

  • Tipped uterus
  • Retroflexed uterus
  • Tilted womb
  • Backward uterus
  • Retroverted uterus
In This Article

Causes Of A Backward Uterus

Causes Of A Backward Uterus

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There can be several reasons for having a backward uterus (2):

  • When the pelvic muscles are weakened due to menopause or childbirth.
  • An unusually large uterus which can be due to pregnancy, tumor or fibroids.
  • Some women are also genetically born with a tilted womb.
  • Adhesions or scarring in the uterus or pelvis due to previous surgery, endometriosis, or infection.

Signs And Symptoms Of A Backward Uterus

Signs And Symptoms Of A Backward Uterus

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Here are some of the typical symptoms in women with a backward uterus (3):

  1. Pain during intercourse
  2. Pain or cramping during periods
  3. Back pain during intercourse
  4. Minor urinary incontinence
  5. Discomfort using tampons
  6. Frequent urinary tract infections

How It Affects Fertility And Pregnancy

How It Affects Fertility And Pregnancy

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If you are having a tilted uterus, it’s natural to be concerned about how it is going to affect your chances of getting pregnant. But it doesn’t generally affect your chances of conceiving. If you are having trouble conceiving, your doctor may take a look at your condition only after all the other infertility causes are ruled out. Good news is you can have a safe pregnancy, labor, and delivery with a tilted uterus (4).

How It Affects Your Love Life

How It Affects Your Love Life

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Intercourse can be a painful experience for a woman with a tilted uterus. Though doctors aren’t sure what causes this pain, there are many theories (5):

  • The cervix may be positioned differently in a woman’s body with a tilted uterus. This can lead to pain when the male organ comes in contact with the cervix.
  • The ligaments which support the uterus may stretch. This can also lead to painful intercourse.
  • The veins in the female reproductive system may become congested which can cause pain.

If you are having painful intercourse, try changing positions. It can be helpful.



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Your doctor can easily detect a backward uterus by performing a routine pelvic check-up. Two fingers will be inserted into the vaginal opening and the cervix will be slightly pushed. Simultaneously, the doctor will check the abdomen to feel the shape, size, and position of the uterus. This is done by placing one hand on top of the abdomen. The doctor will also check for abnormal growths. He/she may also conduct diagnostic tests and check for other signs and symptoms to rule out any other serious conditions. If you are experiencing painful intercourse or any other symptoms of the tipped uterus which we mentioned above, consult a doctor (6).

What Are The Treatment Options?

What Are The Treatment Options

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There are some treatment options available if it’s interfering with your everyday life and causing you discomfort (7).

A pessary is a device which is placed in the lady part to change the position of the uterus. Remember that it’s only a temporary solution as the uterus will go back to its original position once the device is removed.

Your doctor may also recommend surgery to reposition the uterus. A uterine suspension can reduce pain during intercourse and have lasting results.

Another temporary fix involves hugging the knees to the chest in a lying down position. It can help in shifting the uterus to a more comfortable position.

If you are having a tilted uterus, there’s usually no cause for worry. However, if you experience pain during intercourse or any other sort of discomfort, consult your doctor right away.

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