Trust Me, The Next Time You See A Toddler Mom, Give Her A Great Big Hug

If you’re a toddler mom, I bet you can agree with me on this one. Toddlers, as cute as they are, are tiny little troublemakers. They have to be watched continuously because they are looking for any opportunity to be naughty. Mischief and toddlers go hand in hand. They might not intend to, but they are so curious about everything that they tend to create a lot of mess. While they are busy being toddlers, who have to continually be around to watch them and protect them from all the dumb decisions? Moms! So, as much as you know they don’t mean harm, babies require lots of energy, patience, and dedication to look after them. It’s not easy, but moms do it with so much love and grace.

A toddlers mom can look like she has her whole life in order

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A toddler’s mom can look like she has her whole life in order. She could be wearing her tight jeans, hair curled to perfection, and lost all her pregnancy weight. She and her husband seem to have found the spark in their relationship, and she’s got all the household help that she needs. You might think that this woman does not require any assistance with her baby because her life seems easy. Simple. But the reality is quite different.

No matter how put together she looks, a toddler mom is exhausted. For several months now, her life has been about dirty diapers, baby duties, sleepless nights, trips to the pediatrician, and crying infants. A toddler mom usually does not get the help she needs. Not as much as she needs, at least.

Some women are lucky to have supportive relatives

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Some women are lucky to have supportive relatives, moms, sisters, and friends. They pitch in whenever they can and ease your duties a lot. They might watch the baby while you rest or take a long relaxing shower. They help out by cooking your meals, oiling your hair, or even booking a spa day just for you to unwind. But not all women are that lucky.

Most moms have the support of just their spouses. Some do not even have that. So when you see a toddler mom, be sure to give her a big hug, so she feels appreciated. Trust me, she needs it. Toddler moms try to keep up with their overly energetic children and handle everything to get back to their routine. They are overwhelmed with worry and panic about their little ones and face the brunt of judgment from relatives, neighbors, friends, and even strangers. Somehow everyone thinks they have an opinion on whether or not she is a “good mom”.

You might be wondering why I’m making it sound like toddlers are evil

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You might be wondering why I’m making it sound like toddlers are evil. The truth is that they are not. But it is in their nature to cause trouble. They are cute and love snuggles, no doubt, but it’s exhausting to always keep on eye out for what they are up to. They are at an age where they put everything they can get their hands on in their mouths. They are cute but can be very destructive, so as a mom, you have to watch them like hawks to make sure they are okay.

It is no doubt that being a parent is draining, but your little munchkins eventually grow up, and you start to miss the days where they wanted snuggles, cheered up your day with baby talk and coos, grabbed your finger, laughed for a simple peek-a-boo, and smiled at you like you mean the world to them.

Stay strong stay awesome

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So while it is a struggle to keep up with infants because of the sleepless nights and on-the-job training, before you know it, they will grow up to be teenagers who might not want anything to do with you. Either way, moms stick it out and love their babies with all their hearts. So, it’s time we learn to appreciate them and all the marvelous things they do. Moms, we see you, we love you, we know how much you matter. Stay strong, stay awesome!

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