Best Sibling Reactions To Mommy’s Pregnancy Announcement

Making a pregnancy announcement is one thing. But telling your children that they are going to be big brothers or sisters can fetch priceless reactions worth capturing on a video. Here are a few of them that these families would never forget as the emotions out-poured themselves post the announcement.

  1. This little boy goes on to be a star with his mother’s pregnancy being ‘exasperating’.
  1. This five-year-old cannot contain himself at the prospect of being a big brother.
  1. These two sisters are super-excited…..
  1. These siblings take a little time to take the news with their breakfast
  1. These boys are jumping with joy for having baby number five in the family.
  1. These siblings have the cutest curious approach!
  1. This pretty sister-to-be gets emotional:
  1. The fun scavenger-hunt goes on to reveal an addition to the family for these two brothers:
  1. And here’s how these two sisters receive their surprise:
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