6 Bizarre Baby Rituals From All Over India

India, as a nation, can beat every other country across the world when it comes to its diverse range of culture and tradition. You will come across unique customs and rituals all across India. And, most of these rituals are being practiced for generations now. What is incredible is how people follow these traditional practices with their utmost sincerity and dedication. Perhaps, this is because certain positive beliefs are associated with these rituals. The parents and loved ones hope that following the particular custom will unfold a lifetime of happiness and prosperity for their little one. And, all they want is to bestow these blessings upon their child.

Here, we bring you some of these unusual rituals that people across India follow:

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1. Shaving The Baby’s Head

Shaving The Baby's Head

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More popularly known as ‘mundan’, this practice involves the shaving of a baby’s head. It is more like giving the little one the first haircut. It is believed that this practice will purify the child. By bidding adieu to the hair, the kid will also part ways with any negativity from his/her past life. The parents do it with the belief of ensuring a healthy and prosperous future for the little one. The ritual is generally carried out within the initial few months or years of the kid’s birth.

2. Ear Piercing

Ear Piercing

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Many people choose to pierce their little one’s ears in a custom, which is traditionally known as Karnavedha. Many suggest that piercing the ears will help cast off the evil. And, some other people say that there is a prominent acupuncture point present on the earlobes, which, if pierced, may provide some sort of therapeutic effect. This ritual occurs usually within the first three years of the little one’s birth. And, at times, it accompanies the ‘mundan’ ceremony itself.

3. Sweet Servings

Sweet Servings

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Many people believe that something sweet should be a baby’s first taste. Apparently, this practice is to make sure that the infant speaks sweetly. Some rub a softened date on the baby’s tongue, while others rub some honey on the little one’s upper palate. The practice of feeding honey to the baby for the first time is popularly known as Jatakarma among several cultures.

4. Applying Kajal

 Applying Kajal

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In India, many women apply black kohl to prevent themselves from the evil eye. The evil eye, which is also known as the buri nazar among locals, is a problem that parents wish to steer away from when it comes to their little one too. That is why a small kajal dot is applied on the baby’s forehead in many cultures. The parents usually apply it somewhere near the hair, so that it is half-hidden too.

5. Blue Beads For Newborns

Blue Beads For Newborns

Image: Shutterstock

In India, blue beads are strung on a cord and placed around a newborn’s neck. And, if this cord breaks releasing the beads, people believe that the baby possesses a strong aura. By a strong aura, they mean that the little ones can protect themselves from the buri nazar (evil eye).

6. The Gold Ritual

The Gold Ritual

Image: Shutterstock

It is considered that gold is good for the nervous system, which may have beneficial effects on memory and intellect. In some cultures, pure gold is taken and rubbed on the grinding stone soiled with ghee and honey. This is then given to the little one to lick. In fact, in many households, the infants are routinely given this between the age of six months to one year.

Aren’t some of these rituals pretty fascinating too? While you may agree with some of them, you may not with others. But, what is incredible about India is how we learn to happily coexist despite the diversity in our cultures. Do you know of any such ritual that we may not have mentioned here? Let us know in the comments section below!

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