What Do I Need To Know About Breastfeeding Twins?

When my doctor told me that I was going to have twins, I felt overjoyed for sure, but there was also a strange sense of fear and nervousness in me. I’ve heard that it takes a village to raise kids, and now I’m going to have two! I knew it wasn’t going to be easy, and everything would be twice as hard. But my partner and I discussed it and realized that we’d tackle whatever challenges are thrown at us together. We calmed each other down and were all set to welcome two beautiful twins into our lives. But what none of us took into consideration was the challenges of feeding two babies at once.

Through my experience, I learned a few things, and I’d like to share them with you so you can be informed of the upcoming challenges that you’ll face. Keep reading to find out:

In This Article

Things You’ll Need To Breastfeed Twins

Things You’ll Need To Breastfeed Twins

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The major aspect of breastfeeding is more or less the same. But handling two hungry newborns is not an easy task, and you might need a few extra things to make the process smoother. Consult a lactation expert to know what works best for you. But here are some supplies you’ll need:

1. Well-insulated Water Bottle Or Tumbler

Well-insulated Water Bottle Or Tumbler

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I made sure to carry an insulated cup with me everywhere I went and a huge insulated bottle to refill my cup. Because what I noticed was how much difference my fluid intake made to my milk supply. If I didn’t get enough fluids, my milk supply would become super low for the day.

2. Nursing Pillows

Nursing Pillows

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Nursing pillows are lifesavers. I got myself a nursing pillow suitable for two, and it really helped me feed both my babies at once.

3. Snacking Delights

Snacking Delights

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Yes, you heard that right! I loaded my bag with snacks that I could munch on throughout the day. It kept me fueled and gave me energy throughout the day. So, stock up on your favorite munchies and enjoy them throughout the day. Of course, it helps if they are healthy. Remember that you’re feeding three people, and that’s no joke!

4. Follow A Schedule

Follow A Schedule

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Maintaining a schedule really helped me with my milk supply. In the initial days after my babies were born, I would wake them up even during their naps to feed them on schedule, and in time, they got accustomed to it. Following a schedule even helped me in my sleeping patterns — a lot!

How Can Your Partner Help?

How Can Your Partner Help

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Your partner might be doing every bit of his part in taking care of the babies. But breastfeeding is something that he cannot help with because it’s something only you can do. However, here’s how he can lend a helping hand to ease the process for you:

  • He could fill up your bottle and cup when they are empty. Add some ice to it if that’s how you prefer it, and keep it accessible to you.
  • He could help you keep track of your feeding schedules by making a chart or setting a reminder until you get used to it.
  • Give you the space to rest as much as you need. Breastfeeding can drain you of your energy, and resting will help you regain some of it.
  • Supporting your babies by giving them some skin-to-skin time when you aren’t breastfeeding. This technique also helps them bond with each other.
  • He could also feed you while you feed the babies. I can’t stress this enough — you need all the food you can get to keep you healthy for yourself and your babies.

Being a parent comes with its own sets of challenges. When it’s twins, that’s twice the challenge! So if you’ve got twins, giddy-up — it’s going to be a rollercoaster ride! Let us know in the comments below how you handled taking care of and feeding your twins.

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