The Choice Of Your Child’s Formula Milk Matters—Choose One That You Can Trust

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We all know the importance of nursing for the growth and development of a baby. Newborns get a high amount of nutrients from the colostrum. The colostrum is released by the mammary glands only for a few days after birth. It is vital for its antibiotic properties that boost the immune system of the child. Once the colostrum production is over, the mammary glands produce breast milk, which has all the essential nutrients that a baby needs (1).

It is ideal for mothers to breastfeed their babies due to the countless benefits it offers. But there are times when mothers can’t breastfeed their babies due to lack of time or energy. Sometimes there are health issues due to which the mother may not be able to produce enough milk. In such cases, mothers are advised to give formula milk to their babies to make sure they get all the essential nutrients for healthy growth and development. Continue reading our post as we help you find the right formula for your baby.

Choose One That You Can Trust

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In This Article

Based On Preparation

Commercial infant formulas are available in three different forms based on preparation:

  1. Powdered milk: These are the most affordable, easy to prepare formulas. They are made by mixing with water. Powdered milk can be prepared anywhere, anytime, without the fear of milk going bad.
  2. Concentrated liquid formula: These, too, are mixed in water.
  3. Ready to use formulas: These are liquid formulas that don’t require any preparation but are the most expensive of all (2).
Based On Preparation

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Based On Nutrient Value

Infant formulas can be broken down into three types:

  1. Cow milk protein-based: These formulas are made to resemble the taste of breast milk. These provide a lot of nutrients and are also easy to digest. They are not suitable for babies allergic to the proteins in cow’s milk.
  2. Soy-based formula: These formulas are ideal for babies who are lactose intolerant and allergic to cow milk proteins.
  3. Protein hydrolysate formulas: Suitable for babies who cannot digest cow’s milk or soy-based formulas. It has proteins that are partially or extensively broken down, and are hence ideal for babies who might not tolerate the other two formulas (3).

How To Buy The Right Formula Milk For Your Baby

How To Buy The Right Formula Milk For Your Baby

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It is crucial to buy the right product for your baby. One should put the following points into consideration before purchasing a baby formula to get the most suitable and beneficial nutrient source for your child.

  1. Ingredients: Read the labels before buying the product. Look for the ingredients and make sure that there are no ingredients added that can harm the child. It is better if the formula is fortified, especially iron-fortified, as iron is essential for the baby’s growth and development.
  2. Safety and quality assurance: The brand you buy should be certified to ensure that the consumption is safe.
  3. Storage: Different formulas demand different storing instructions; hence to get the most out of the formulas, one should store them correctly and use it before the expiry date.
  4. Cost-effective: The formula milk should be of a reasonable price as it is not something that will be bought only once. It should not be very expensive nor very cheap. A survey should be done before purchasing the product.
  5. Authenticity and accessibility: Read reviews about the brand you are about to buy, ask around, make a list of all the requirements, and match them with what the brand is providing. The formula milk should be purchased from a reliable and authentic market as there can be a possibility of adulteration if not done so. The product should be readily available in the market as the baby adapts to one brand and hence should not be experimented with a different one each time.

Breastfeeding is the best gift a baby can get from the mother. It is the most essential source of nutrition for babies. However, due to certain circumstances—health-related or otherwise— a mother may opt for formula milk to ensure that her baby gets all the essential nutrients and vitamins. We hope that our article was helpful in choosing the right formula for your little one.


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