Common Fears And Worries That Parents Face

While parenthood is a rewarding experience, it can very often be quite stressful too. Especially for new parents, parenting can seem like a tough nut to crack. However, the good news is that almost all parents face similar challenges and most of them deal with them as they come. Throughout the pregnancy period and even after the baby is born, parents keep worrying about one thing or the other and this often leads to a vicious cycle of stress. To help you with these common fears and worries most parents have, we have made a list of things that trouble parents most and how they can deal with them better. Read on to know more!

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What Are Parental Worries and Fears?

What Are Parental Worries and Fears

Image: Shutterstock

When you become a parent, it is normal to feel a myriad of emotions, often altogether. Now, all of them cannot be positive and it is natural that you will feel scared, frustrated and worried while taking care of your child. Now, the important thing to remember here is that all of your feelings and emotions are absolutely valid and there is nothing wrong with feeling lost or scared regarding your child.

Things can seem a bit more difficult if you are living away from your family and have to raise your newborn alone. A number of parents worry that they are probably taking care of the baby wrong or face issues with breastfeeding. However, these are all common fears and can be dealt with easily with the right tricks and tips.

What Are Some Of The Most Common Fears And Worries Of Parents?

While the fears and worries of parents differ from one set of parents to the other, there are of course some common worries that bind the brigade of parents together. Here are some of the most universal fears and worries that parents face worldwide.

1. Think They Are Holding The Baby Wrong

Think They Are Holding The Baby Wrong

Image: Shutterstock

This is a very common and understandable fear among parents. When you are holding a newborn, given the child’s size, it might appear scary. The thought of holding the baby wrong and breaking their neck is one of the most prevalent fears of new parents. However, you should not get too stressed about this as the nurses and doctors will show you how to hold your child safely. Moreover, after doing it a few times, you will get a hang of the process and it will not appear that scary anymore.

2. Think Something Bad Will Happen To The Baby If They Sleep

This is another very common apprehension that parents have. While it is understandable that you will be worried about your child’s wellbeing, it is not very logical to think that something bad will happen to them the moment you sleep. One way of dealing with this fear is to be with the child almost all the time and ensure they are tucked in safely before you are going to sleep. Having a clear image of your child sleeping next to or near you will help you to get the idea of something bad happening to them out of your head.

3. Think You Will Not Be A Good Parent

Think You Will Not Be A Good Parent

Image: Shutterstock

Another widely run fear among parents is that a lot of them worry that they will not be able to handle the duties of parenthood and they will mess up. This is a very natural thought. However, it is also important to remember that parenthood does not come with a guidebook and the only way to not become a bad parent is to learn everyday. As you watch your child grow, you will understand how they function or what they like or dislike. Observing them closely will help you to do better as a parent. Moreover, given the tough journey that parenthood is, it is okay if you sometimes mess up. As long as you have an open communication with your child, you should not worry too much about being a bad parent.

4. Worry That Your Child Is Crying Or Sleeping Too Much

You might get worried if you feel your child is crying a little too much. However, it is important to understand that newborns cry a lot and there is nothing alarmingly wrong about it. They would also be sleeping for longer hours and that should not alarm you either. However, if you feel that you can see your child in some visible discomfort from where the crying is getting triggered or they are remaining rather drowsy throughout the day, then it is better to consult their physician.

Given the rollercoaster ride that parenthood is, it is completely natural to get worried and scared even about the smallest of things. However, it is important to not let these worries get the best of you and hamper the joys of being a parent. Do you have any other fears and worries that you think new parents might face? Let us know in the comment section!

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