9 Curious Questions About Babies Every Parent Should Know Answers To

Every parent gets a window of 9 months to prepare for the baby. This is when you utilize the time to research your baby’s needs, how you should attend to them, and how to take care of them the right way. However, even after you think you know everything, when you hold your little one in your hands, not everything will be by the book. So, if you are confused and doubtful about something concerning your baby, that doesn’t make you an irresponsible parent (so you can keep the guilt away). Here is a list of common queries among new parents that will help you solve the parenting puzzles and make things easier. Read on to know them all.

In This Article

1. Does A Baby Come Out Clean, Fresh, And Soft?

Does A Baby Come Out Clean, Fresh, And Soft

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When you first see a baby, you may be taken aback by their first look (mean, but true). Forget what you’ve seen in movies; here is what to expect – wrinkly skin covered in cheese-like substance, weirdly shaped head, nose twisted to the side, and flattened and probably folded ears (1). These are all the outcomes of the baby’s prolonged womb stay and arduous birth canal voyage. Thankfully the recovery of newborns is rapid (2). During this process, the cartilages grow straighter, and the skull gets more rounded, while the skin turns pink and velvety, with elastic creases all over.

2. Is Educating Babies To Know The Difference And Day Night A Good Idea?

Is Educating Babies To Know The Difference And Day Night A Good Idea

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The sleep-wake cycle of a newborn is not well-defined. Therefore, they require assistance in determining what time of day it is. There can be as much natural light in the home as feasible throughout the daytime. Play with the infant when they are awake and alert. During the baby’s daily slumber, don’t try to minimize the noises of everyday life. Take note of the bathing, eating, and sleeping routines. Changing diapers at night should be done discreetly and in a dark room.

3. Is Immunization Harmful For Your Baby?

Is Immunization Harmful For Your Baby

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A few days after a baby’s arrival are spent vaccinating them against infections that might endanger their lives or health. Some parents are concerned that their infant is too young to be vaccinated, but this is untrue. Although the immune system of a baby has not yet matured, it is capable of developing an immunological response to vaccinations (3). As a result of these antibodies, the infant will be protected against future infections.

4. How Common Is It For A New Baby To Have White Patches On Their Face?

How Common Is It For A New Baby To Have White Patches On Their Face

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Small pimples with one or several whiteheads called milia are common in newborns (4). In 40–50% of babies, they might be detected on the face or gums (5). Sebaceous gland blockage is the cause of this condition, and it is not regarded as a sickness (6). Don’t try to get rid of the milia by squeezing or removing it. When the sebaceous gland function returns to normal, the milia will vanish within a few days or weeks.

5. Do Hiccups Indicate That They Are Cold?

Do Hiccups Indicate That They Are Cold

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When the glottis is closed, the diaphragm contracts in a convulsive manner. Overeating, swallowing a large amount of air, or drinking anything cold are all possible causes of choking in a newborn (7). General hypothermia might also produce hiccups. It’s not uncommon for hiccups to persist for 10–15 minutes until they go away on their own (8). You can use a pacifier or latch to assist the infant in regurgitating air. However, if the hiccups frequently occur, linger for an extended period, or are followed by choking or regurgitation, you should see a doctor to rule out more serious issues (9).

6. When A Baby’s First Hairs Are Shaved, Does That Encourage The Hair To Come In Thicker?

When A Baby's First Hairs Are Shaved, Does That Encourage The Hair To Come In Thicker

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The color and texture of a baby’s hair are inherited. The hair follicles in the dermis are unaffected by shaving the baby’s head (10). Therefore the hair will not thicken, but will come out in the same length making it look voluminous.

7. Is Infertility In Boys Caused By Diapers?

Is Infertility In Boys Caused By Diapers

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The 1, 8°F (1°C) rise in scrotal temperature results from the use of diapers (11). According to scientists, this may alter sperm production when a man reaches puberty. In recent decades, male fertility has declined due to a decrease in sperm count (12). However, there has been no causal link between infertility and diaper use in a young life.

8. Is It Common For Newborns To Sleep For Long Periods Of Time?

Is It Common For Newborns To Sleep For Long Periods Of Time

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During the rapid eye movement (REM) stage of sleep, a newborn might sob, grin, shake, or start waking up from any everyday noises made while falling asleep (13). When a baby sleeps for 10–20 minutes, they have reached the stage of profound slumber, from which they are tough to awaken. As the baby’s muscles relax and their breathing slows and  so does the heart rate (14). It takes a significant amount of time to go through each stage of sleep, which alters through their growth.

9. Is It Possible For Babies To Identify Their Mother’s Scent?

Is It Possible For Babies To Identify Their Mother's Scent

Image: Shutterstock

The sense of smell is fully developed in newborns. Babies recognize their mother’s aroma during the second week of life and become calmer when exposed to it (15). Simply placing the baby’s clothing next to the mother’s might suffice in some situations.

Being a parent means constantly staying in a state of panic concerning your child. You will always be worried if your child is breathing well, if they are eating as much as they should and if they are hydrated. As they grow up, there will be new reasons to worry about, but before you know it, you have a best friend who is old enough to take care of you! The trick is to believe in your instincts and not be hard on yourself. So, which of these questions surprised you the most? Let us know in the comments section. Happy parenting!

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