Do Toddlers Need To Do A Lot Of Exercises?

Exercising is an important part of any healthy lifestyle, and it’s no different for toddlers. While most parents may think that their toddler doesn’t need to exercise because they are so active during the day, this isn’t necessarily true. Toddlers do need a lot of exercise to stay healthy and develop properly, both physically and mentally.

In this article, we’ll discuss how much and what exercises your little one should do to stay healthy and happy without exhausting themselves.

In This Article

How Much Should Your Toddler Exercise Daily?

How Much Should Your Toddler Exercise Daily

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Generally speaking, children between 1-4 years old should be getting at least 60 minutes of structured physical activity every day such as running or playing tag with other children outside or engaging in organized activities like gymnastics classes indoors. They can also engage in unstructured playtime which includes climbing stairs or digging around outdoors without any specific goal involved! So, parents should encourage toddlers to move throughout the day by providing toys that require movement like push cars so they can explore their environment while having fun at the same time!

However, it’s important to remember that too much exercise can also have negative consequences for young children. Over-exercising at this age could lead to physical and mental health issues that may last into adulthood.

Over-exercising in toddlers can lead to musculoskeletal injuries due to their still-developing bodies and bones not being ready for intense physical activity yet. This includes sprains or fractures from excessive running or jumping activities which are common among active toddlers but should be monitored closely by parents to minimize the risk of injury occurring.

Additionally, pushing them too hard with strenuous workouts might even result in psychological stress which has been linked with increased levels of anxiety among younger individuals who feel pressured by adults around them into doing more than what would normally be recommended at their age group.

Types Of Exercises Your Toddler Can Do

Types Of Exercises Your Toddler Can Do

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Exercise is essential for a toddler’s physical and mental health. It helps them develop strong bones, muscles, and cardiovascular endurance as well as promotes healthy weight management. Thus, parents must ensure their toddlers get enough exercise regularly to reap the benefits of an active lifestyle from an early age. Mentioned below are some of the most useful exercises that can help toddlers achieve seamless growth.

1. Running Or Walking

Running Or Walking

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Taking your toddler outside on a nice day allows them to explore nature while getting some much-needed fresh air and exercise at the same time! You could even make this more fun by playing tag or hide-and-seek with them as they run around in circles, just make sure you keep an eye on them so they don’t get too far away from you!

2. Yoga


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Yoga not only helps strengthen their bodies, but it also teaches kids how to focus better which will help when they start school later down the road. Moreover, there’s no need for fancy equipment. So all you need are some comfortable clothes and maybe a few props like blocks or stuffed animals if necessary, then let your toddler have fun trying out different poses like downward dog or tree pose!

3. Hiking


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Hiking with your toddler can be incredibly beneficial for them. Not only will your little one get to explore the great outdoors, but they’ll also benefit from all of the physical and mental health benefits that come along with it. From developing their motor skills to learning about nature, there are plenty of reasons why hiking is a great activity for toddlers.

4. Swimming


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Swimming is an excellent form of exercise for toddlers. It will develop better coordination skills as they learn how to move through the water. And swimming also helps them gain important muscle control which will come in handy when performing other physical activities such as running or jumping later on in life. Moreover, it allows children to practice balance by floating on their back or stomach.

5. Dancing


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Dancing is an activity that can bring joy to people of all ages. For toddlers, it offers a unique way to express themselves and get some exercise at the same time. The movements used in dance help them develop their gross motor skills by strengthening muscles as well as increasing flexibility in both large muscle groups like arms or legs, but also small ones like fingers or toes.

It’s a no-brainer that toddlers have a tremendous amount of energy and they need to do some exercises regularly if you want them to be physically fit now and remain so in future years ahead. Exercise not only keeps them active but also enhances mental capabilities, boosts self-confidence, increases energy levels plus encourages creative thinking. Hopefully, now you’ll have a clear idea of what is the best duration for exercising and methods of introducing it  to toddlers. Do let us know in the comment section below, how many hours your little ones play daily to keep themselves fit and happy.


  1. Promoting physical activity in children through family-based intervention: protocol of the “Active 1 + FUN” randomized controlled trial, NCBI
  2. Exercise, stress, and inflammation in the growing child: from the bench to the playground, NCBI
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