Freezing Sperm For Future Fertility – Procedure And Risks Involved

With many couples choosing to be parents in their 30s and even early 40s, wannabe dads focus more than ever on their fertility. As a result, sperm freezing is on the rise among men who want to have a baby at an older age. But that begs a string of questions — what exactly does freezing sperm entail? Is it safe? Are you eligible?

Let’s find out the answers to these questions and more below.

In This Article

What’s Sperm Freezing?

What's Sperm Freezing?

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Sperm freezing entails the process of collecting, analyzing as well as cryopreserving healthy sperm from a man for use at a later time. The collected sperm is stored at really low temperatures to be preserved later and used for donation or fertility treatments.

Who Is Eligible And Who Is Not?

Who Is Eligible And Who Is Not?

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For those wondering if they can get their sperm frozen or not, you can. Provided you’re a healthy adult under 45. Freezing sperm particularly comes in handy for men who plan to undergo a vasectomy, have low sperm count, or were diagnosed with cancer as teens. In the latter case, it’s advised for them to get their sperm frozen when they’ve been diagnosed.

As for people who aren’t eligible, men undergoing chemotherapy aren’t the best candidates as chemotherapy can alter the DNA of the cells in sperm, reducing their potency.

Advantages Of Freezing Sperm

Advantages Of Freezing Sperm 

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There are plenty of advantages to getting your sperm frozen. Let’s take a look at them below:

  • It can help men diagnosed with cancer preserve their fertility even after cancer treatment commences since chemotherapy can affect sperm count and quality. That said, they should get their sperm frozen before chemo begins.
  • Men who have to undergo surgeries of the prostate gland or testicles can also get their sperm frozen beforehand, so they don’t have to worry about the surgery’s effects on their fertility later on.
  • Sperm freezing pre-vasectomy is a wise decision since not all vasectomies hold the potential to be successfully reversed if needed. The stored sperm serves as insurance for the future.
  • Men who work in high-risk fields such as firefighting or the military run the risk of irreversible injury to the reproductive system. Freezing sperm can help them fulfill their dream of having a child even if the worst happens.
  • Many men choose to have kids at a later age to focus on their goals and ambitions. In such cases, freezing sperm at a younger age allows them the freedom to have kids whenever they want.

Sperm Freezing & IVF

IVF treatment involves the extraction and storage of sperm so that if the partner cannot produce viable sperm on the day of egg retrieval, his frozen samples can be thawed and used to ensure higher chances of pregnancy.

Process Of Freezing Sperm

Process Of Freezing Sperm 

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To make a sperm deposit, you have to visit a facility referred to as a sperm bank. These are fertility clinics that collect and store sperm anonymously.

As for sperm collection, it involves the filing of basic paperwork before the extraction begins. Once you’re done with the formalities, you’ll be asked to enter a private room where you’ll need to make your deposit. The clean sample will then be contained in a sterile cup and frozen.

Risks To Freezing Sperm

Risks To Freezing Sperm

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There are no known risks to freezing sperm. However, if you have any doubts or queries, be sure to ask your fertility doctor. They’ll have all the answers.

How Long Does Frozen Sperm Last

How Long Does Frozen Sperm Last

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Sperm can be frozen indefinitely and can be used years after they were deposited.

Sperm collection and freezing is a viable option for men who want to secure their dream of having children later on in life. So if you’ve been contemplating freezing your sperm, get in touch with your fertility specialist and then make the call.

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