How Common Is Male Infertility, And What Are Its Causes?

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In men and women, fertility is defined as a medical condition in which they can’t conceive even after trying for a year without any birth control. And, also applies to women who have had more than two failed pregnancies. As per some studies, 15 percent of the couples find it hard to conceive even after indulging in unprotected lovemaking for a year. And, 10 percent of couples face an issue even after two years. And, it is suggested that nearly 30 percent of healthy couples under the age of 30 are able to conceive in the first three months itself (1).

Weirdly, when it comes to fertility, we still consider it more of a ‘woman’ issue. However, the studies suggest that among the couples who are infertile, 20 percent are those where the issue lies solely with the man. Male infertility can perhaps be the sole reason why a couple is not able to get conceive. Or, it might also add to the infertility issues that the couple is already facing because of the partner (2).

Thus, it is essential that the male partner also gets tested for infertility along with the woman. Moreover, it is important to do it a little early on itself. While men want to put it off to avoid any sort of embarrassment, knowing earlier can help better plan the future steps. Here, we bring you the possible causes:

In This Article

1. Production Of Healthy Sperms

Production Of Healthy Sperms

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For starters, the development, as well as the formation, of the reproductive organs of a man during puberty should be proper. A minimum of one of the testicles should be functioning properly. And, the body should be able to produce testosterone along with other hormones to maintain a healthy sperm production (1).

2. Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD)

Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD)

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STD or other infections such as gonorrhea, HIV, and chlamydia might cause male infertility. This might interfere with the production or the health of the sperm. Or, it can also cause scarring, which leads to the blockage of the sperm’s passage. While some infections might cause permanent damage, the sperm can still be retrieved in most cases (2). And, there are also chances that the issue might resolve on its own after the infection has been treated (3).

3. Issues With Ejaculation

Issues With Ejaculation

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Retrograde ejaculation is a medical condition that occurs when semen goes into the bladder instead of ejaculating out of the penis. There are various health reasons that are cited for this condition, be it spinal injuries, diabetes, medication, or prostate surgery. In some cases, such as a spinal injury, the sperm production remains intact despite not having an ejaculation. Here, sperm can often be retrieved and used in assistive reproductive methods (4).

4. Autoimmune Issue

Autoimmune Issue

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In some cases, the immunity system that is supposed to protect us can start attacking the healthy cells itself. This medical condition is known as an autoimmune disease. In a similar way, the anti-sperm antibodies consider sperm cells to be some foreign virus and begin attacking it. They consider the cells to be harmful invaders and the antibodies do everything in their power to eliminate them. Thus, causing infertility issues (5).

5. Imbalance In Hormones

Imbalance In Hormones

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Infertility might also occur as a result of an abnormality, which may affect other hormonal systems such as the pituitary, hypothalamus, adrenal, and thyroid glands. The low testosterone level, known as male hypogonadism, or any other hormonal problem can occur due to numerous underlying reasons (6). For this, the doctor might suggest you some treatment with the help of medications.

There can be other factors that might contribute to male infertility such as stress, excessive exercising, drug use, obesity, or even exposure to toxins (7). But, whatever it might be, do consult your doctor. He/she will be able to help you out and might even suggest you the best way to move forward. So, don’t hold yourself back and reach out. All the best!

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