How The Husband's Relationship With His Mother Affects Marriage

Marriage is an important relationship in our lives. It is meant to last forever, which is why our better half is also called a life partner. Therefore, when it comes to making a decision on marriage, we take great care in choosing our husband. Yet, we all might have felt at some point or the other that the person we are married to is quite different from the one we’d known before marriage. This is because a man’s appearance and job profile are given precedence above everything else before marriage. In the process, we often end up ignoring other important aspects of his life and personality. For instance, the equation a man shares with his mother influences him greatly, especially in the way he treats his wife.

Therefore, it is important to broaden our understanding of a man’s personality before marriage. So, let us discuss here how a husband’s relationship with his mother can affect his marriage:

In This Article

1. Distanced From Motherly Love

Here we are suggesting a relationship where the mother might have been with her son throughout. Yet, for various reasons, the son wasn’t able to connect to her motherly love. Sometimes, it could be a result of a dysfunctional family (in a broad sense). Nevertheless, the inability to connect emotionally with his mother makes him more sensitive and attached towards his wife. In fact, such husbands may even become overly protective of their wives. At times, to an extent of distancing her from their own mother. This is primarily because they now expect their wives to fill in the void created by the lack of mummy-love.

2. The Mamma’s Boy

The Mamma's Boy

Image: Shutterstock

This one is a cliche, but still true. Mothers mostly do let go of their sons to help them grow individually. However, there are some who tend to hold on to them as if on a short leash. Eventually, the son is unable to grow out of his mother’s shadow. This results in him trying to subdue his wife’s wishes to please his mother all the time. If you end up getting married to such a person, it is advisable to engage in a healthy dialogue with him. Make your partner understand your expectations. Involve your own family if need be. But never give up on your right to individual freedom.

3. The Spoilt Brat

If a man has been brought up by a submissive mother, chances are he’s bound to be a fully-grown spoilt brat. This is because of her giving in to all his whims and fancies. Having never been told to do things on his own also makes him a poor decision-maker. He may end up constantly comparing his wife to his mother, especially the pampering bit. However, he will automatically put his wife in a dominant position while taking important, life-changing decisions.

4. The Dominant One

The Dominant One

Image: Shutterstock

If a man had seen his mother being sad, or worse, victimized by a dominant father, then most likely he’ll shape out to be the same. This is because the idea of such a dominance is ingrained in him from childhood. He expects his wife to make all the adjustments and adhere to each of his decisions. Such a person might find it difficult to deal with an independent woman. However, this does not mean that he will be a complete devil. The silver lining is that such husbands are unapologetically honest in everything they do or say. Because they fear no one and believe in themselves, they can also take their own decisions.

We hope our broad classification has given you enough insight to start a discussion with your better half. Or with someone whom you may date currently. However, please remember that these are just general suggestions. These are in no way meant to specifically categorize or offend anyone. Like they say, and we believe, that you will eventually meet your soul mate as destined. We wish you to find your true match, soon! Amen!

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