How to Get Pregnant with an Irregular Period

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Getting pregnant is something married couples are most excited about, as it marks a transition to the next phase of their life. However, what it also brings is tonnes of anxiety. Whether it is thinking about what to do once the baby arrives, or how to build a budget to accommodate the new stuff; there are many things which might worry you. Two of these worries could be your fertility and periods. It is imperative to be aware of such signs so that you can seek early medical attention.

When it comes to periods, every woman has a different experience. Some women bleed heavily, while some just bleed for two days and there could be times when they don’t bleed at all suggesting that they’ve irregular periods. In fact, abnormal or irregular ovulation is responsible for 30%-40% of all infertility cases (1).

In This Article

Causes For Irregular Periods

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  • Extreme weight loss or weight gain
  • Obesity
  • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
  • Thyroid disorder
  • Strenuous Exercise
  • Contraceptives
  • Thinner or over-thickening of the endometrium layer

Irregular periods do not necessarily mean that you’re infertile. However, a consistently irregular menstrual cycle is one of the most common signs of fertility disorders in women.

Ways To Get Pregnant With Irregular Periods

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While women who have irregular periods might face troubles in conceiving, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. So, brace yourself and get ready to start a family by trying some of the following methods:

  • Lifestyle Management. Making certain changes in your lifestyle and routine could help you conceive. Poor eating habits, consuming excessive junk foods, a sedentary regime and no physical activities promote hormonal imbalance, further leading to irregular periods. Hence, it is advised to consume a balanced diet and be physically active.
  • Frequent Intercourse. In today’s day and age, everyone is busy with finding a work-life balance. So, it might be stressful for some couples to find time to have fun between the sheets merely in order to conceive. Thus, frequently making love is a better method of conceiving. For women with irregular periods, it is a stress-free technique which helps you be relaxed while indulging in the act.
  • Monitor Your Weight. Keeping your body weight in check is always a better option in general. Especially, if you are struggling with your menstrual cycle, losing some of the excess weight will help with regulating your cycles and increase your chances of getting pregnant. If you are underweight, making some changes in your diet routine and adding nutrient-rich foods will help as well.
  • Avoid Stress. Stress is one of the primary reasons for irregular periods in women. According to a study, 80% of women who received therapy for their stress started ovulating again (2). Women with irregular periods must not take additional stress because it will promote anunhealthy way of life. Practicing meditation or going for stress-management therapies might help you in rejuvenating your mind.
  • Track Your Ovulation. In order to catch that one flying chance at conception, you have to know that chance before it’s too late. One method which may prove beneficial is getting an ovulation predictor kit. It measures the increase of a specific hormone in your urine, luteinizing hormones, which is an indicator that you’re going to ovulate within the next day. For most accuracy, test your urine twice a day – once in the morning and once at night.

Have you tried to conceive with irregular periods? If you have, don’t forget to share your experience with us in the comments below.

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