5 Ways to Lull Your Baby Quickly

Parenting is arguably the most significant role you’ll ever embrace, and this is particularly true when your little one is, well, still quite little! Caring for a newborn can be incredibly demanding. There are a multitude of responsibilities that require your attention around the clock: feeding, diaper changes, soothing them to sleep, and tending to their every need. Even seemingly simple tasks, like ensuring your baby gets enough sleep, can present significant challenges. The initial few months, in particular, can be quite demanding, as your baby’s internal clock doesn’t begin to develop until they’re about 3 months old. This can make it quite challenging to get your newborn to fall asleep quickly, which isn’t the best news for weary, sleep-deprived parents. But there’s no need to despair just yet. These five straightforward techniques are precisely what you need to help your baby quickly and peacefully drift off to sleep.

In This Article

1. A Cozy Swaddle Will Do The Trick

A Cozy Swaddle Will Do The Trick

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Here’s a proven method to help your baby fall asleep swiftly. The reason behind your baby’s restless sleep is the startle reflex, which occurs from birth until around 6 months of age (1). This reflex is triggered by a sudden sensation of falling and can result in your baby jerking and lifting their arms, potentially disrupting their sleep. The ideal solution is to tightly swaddle your baby, preventing these sudden movements and enabling them to enjoy uninterrupted, peaceful sleep. It’s a hassle-free approach that works like a charm.

2. Use White Noise In The Background

White Noise In The Background For A Familiar Atmosphere

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A monotonous background noise that your infant finds comforting can put them to sleep in no time. This is where white noise comes into play. White noise can be extremely helpful while trying to put the baby to sleep. This is because it sounds very close to the sound of blood rushing in the mother’s veins which your baby would have been accustomed to hearing in your womb. Finding the right kind of noise to smooth your baby might be your answer to putting them to sleep.

Even something as simple as turning your fan on to medium speed or switching on a white noise audio on your phone can work its magic and help calm your fussy baby. If your baby sleeps to the sound of the vacuum or the washing machine, go ahead and play it on a loop. Some babies find the sound of a vacuum cleaner more enchanting than their mother singing a lullaby. So you can start doing chores to put your baby to sleep. Anything to keep your baby down.

3. Tactile Touch To Relax Your Baby

Tactile Touch To Relax Your Baby

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The touch of parents plays a vital role in your baby’s development. In your arms, your little one discovers security, love, and care, so it’s only natural that gentle touches are the most effective way to lull them to sleep. These tender caresses help them relax and gently transition into the realm of dreams. A simple technique is to softly pat their back in a rhythmic manner, moving along the length of their small body for a few minutes. This assures a peaceful slumber. Additionally, try stroking the bridge of your baby’s nose with your finger, moving from the bottom upward. It’s highly likely that your baby will quickly succumb to sleep right before your eyes!Report Ad

4. Rocking The Baby And Other Smooth Movements To Transition From Wakefulness To Sleep

Rocking The Baby And Other Smooth Movements To Transition From Wakefulness To Sleep

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Any kind of gentle vestibular stimulation helps the brain switch off and fall asleep (2). Not only for babies but for adults too! This is why sometimes when you’re rocking your baby you can feel your eyes start to droop as well. A great way to use this to your advantage is to take your baby on a car ride to get them to fall asleep quickly. If you can’t do this often, use the gentle rocking of a cradle or stroller or simply walk around the room with your little one in your arms until they go to sleep.

5. Avoid Making Eye Contact With Your Baby While Putting Them To Sleep

Avoid Making Eye Contact With Your Baby While Putting Them To Sleep

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One of the few things your newborn learns how to do is hold eye contact with you. This is their primary mode of communication and a way in which they draw comfort. Making eye contact and talking to your baby also happens to release the love hormone, oxytocin. This increases your baby’s heartbeat, making it harder for them to fall asleep. So looking into your baby’s eyes as you cradle them to sleep is actually counterintuitive. Not making eye contact will signal that it’s nap time which will help them settle down.

We know that putting your baby to sleep isn’t child’s play but it doesn’t have to take forever. With these simple tips, you can lull your baby to sleep in no time at all! Happy parenting.

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