10 Ways To Help The Baby Brain Grow

As first-time parents, there’s a lot to learn, from making vital family decisions to caring for your little ones. But at the same time, it’s the parent’s responsibility to help the babies learn a few things. Babies have an immense grasping capacity, so every parent needs to teach their little ones specific life skills during this period, which eventually helps them in the later stages of life. So, in this article, we’ll be taking a look at some of the most important yet exciting ways to help your kid learn those basics so that they can get the most out of their early years and get good personality development at the same time. Let’s get started!

In This Article

1. Teach Them Counting With Practical Examples

Teach Them Counting With Practical Examples

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You can teach your little ones basic math, i.e., counting, even before joining Kindergarten. For example, you can teach them numbers by reciting with them. Or, you can ask questions like, “how many apples do you want or how many fingers are these?” This way, your child can grasp more fun and practical information.

2. Have a good conversation with them daily

Have a good conversation with them daily

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Always try to listen to what your little one has to say. As a child, it is a curiosity bomb and will always ask you hundreds of questions and even the silliest ones, but all you need to do is not ignore them and give them a proper and unbiased answer so they can share everything with you comfortably. With this habit, they’ll also develop good communication and listening skills.

3. Teach About Facial Features By Pointing At Their Dolls

Teach About Facial Features By Pointing At Their Dolls

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This activity is a fun approach to teaching your kid about different sensory organs. And the best part is that you can do this while they are playing with their toys. For instance, after pointing out the nose on the doll’s face, name it for your child so that they will remember it. You can try this consistently, and they’ll grasp every word quickly.

4. Keep Motivating Them With Rewards

Keep Motivating Them With Rewards

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Surround your kid with positivity by encouraging them if they behave favorably or do something which needs appreciation. The more you applaud your young one, the better they’ll respond to doing tasks correctly in the future. Gradually, they’ll gain reasonable confidence and self-esteem that will reflect their overall personality development.

5. Buy Picture Books For Them

Buy Picture Books For Them

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Your child is starting to show a fascination with the world around them at this age, so encourage their learning by purchasing or creating basic books or toys that provide a variety of activities. As their visual memory is super strong, they’ll be able to recognize more things and people if they get enough time to look at their pictures.

6. Let Your Little One Move Freely

Let Your Little One Move Freely

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You should always allow your baby to make muscle movements but keep in mind that they are not in a dangerous position. Soon your little one will be aware of having control over their body and move with better coordination. Also, they’ll not try those unnecessary stunts while you are away!

7. Ask Them Questions And Moral Values They Learned From Stories

Ask Them Questions And Moral Values They Learned From Stories

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When you read a bedtime story to your little one, don’t forget to ask them how they feel about certain things related to the story. This way, they’ll develop a better understanding and memory eventually. And most importantly, your kid will be able to figure out the good and bad things by themselves, which will teach different values.

8. Never Rush In To Get Their Answers

Never Rush In To Get Their Answers

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Your baby might not be so fluent in having conversations, so you can ease up a little bit by waiting for their response to a question. This way, they’ll use more memory power and won’t panic by saying something silly. And if they don’t answer, you can just prompt the hint or even the answer so they can recall it next time.

9. Motivate Your Little One To Reach For Objects

Motivate Your Little One To Reach For Objects

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You can teach a baby to go for objects like mugs on their own when they are half a year old. Additionally, you can slowly move an object from side to side and upward and downward in front of your baby’s eyes, so they follow it with their eyes. It’s a brilliant idea because a baby’s field of vision broadens by the third month after birth.

10. Modulate Your Voice Around Your Baby

Modulate Your Voice Around Your Baby

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Remember to smile warmly at your child if you see them grinning, so they learn it’s a pleasant experience. Teaching a baby how to respond to situations is crucial. To encourage your child to become familiar with various responses and speech patterns, you should alter the tone of your voice as you converse with them in baby speak.

Parents are always the first teacher a child gets in their life. So these are some fun tips you should share with your soon-to-be parent group. Also, let us know in the comments section if you have any more ways to give your kid the best and friendliest learning experience.

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