How To Navigate The Adderall Shortage If Your Kid Has ADHD

In October 2022, the FDA announced that America would be facing a shortage of Adderall. And although there are no clear details of the extent of this situation, it is safe to say that it has affected the entire nation in many different ways. FDA attributes this shortage to the huge surge in prescribing Adderall in the past 3 years, which has risen from 35.5 million to a whopping 45 million. This has created a huge deficit in the popular drug’s supply affecting the lives of many adults and children alike. Parents with kids diagnosed with ADHD are experiencing an understandable state of panic.

Adderall is the primary drug prescribed to manage ADHD symptoms in children. And although physicians and parents have been trying to find another suitable alternative, the task gets harder and harder as more stimulants used to treat ADHD come into short supply as well. And as most parents with kids who experience ADHD know, it doesn’t take long for their symptoms to come back when they are off their medication. Parents are also concerned about the withdrawal symptoms your kids may face due to the sudden drop in the dosage they take. Whatever concern you might have, we’re here to help you through this challenging time. Here are a few ways in which you can successfully navigate through the adderall shortage.

In This Article

1. Check All Your Local Pharmacies

Check All Your Local Pharmacies

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An adderall shortage means you can’t just swing by your usual pharmacy and expect them to have enough stock. So, before you venture out and fill in your normal prescription or meet your physician to give you a new one, make sure your pharmacies have the ADHD medication you need in stock. You can always call ahead and check out a few places. If none of the pharmacies around your locality have the exact ADHD medication your little one needs to take, ask your pediatrician if there’s any alternative medication that your child can take that your pharmacy does have in stock. Chances are that it may not be as effective or may work differently but it can still do the trick to help your child manage their ADHD symptoms. And that’s what really matters in the long run.

2. Brush On The Basic Things You Can Control

Brush On The Basic Things You Can Control

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Kids in general function better when there’s a specific structure in place in order for them to thrive and have a sense of normalcy. This is especially true for kids with ADHD. Maybe ADHD medication helped your kid to remember to pack their bag for school or put their assignment into a folder. Parents can help their kids do these tasks by setting reminders for them or giving them a little reward every time they need to complete a task that they find hard to do. Being organized and prepared helps children with ADHD take on all the tasks they have for the day while keeping anxiety and jitters at bay.

You may not be able to control the supply of medications but you can do other things that contribute to your child’s wellbeing. Focus on tasks like making sure that they eat 3 well balanced meals a day. Keep them from over-eating simple sugars. You can cut off screen time 2 hours before their bedtime and establish a routine for them to wind down before they go to sleep. These kids also have a lot of extra energy, so make sure that they get some exercise and play time during the day. This will also help their mind stay sharp and focused during the course of the day.

3. See A Therapist

See A Therapist

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Irrespective of whether your family has access to medication or not, it’s always a good idea to get a therapist involved. They will help your child acquire skills and develop positive habits that will remain with them for life and make life with ADHD a little more manageable. They can walk your child through the process of identifying and implementing better organizational skills. Further, they can help strengthen their recognition and response functions when they are overwhelmed and under duress. All of these things are what make treatment a holistic experience. It isn’t just about what medication your child takes.

4. Don’t Forget Selfcare

Don’t Forget Selfcare

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All this stress will eventually take a toll on you. So, it’s important for a moment to just breathe, vent, acknowledge your own feelings of frustration and redirect your thoughts. It can be hard to source medication and deal with a child who is suffering due to the lack of their medication. So, give yourself a chance to cope with everything that’s happening around you. The chaos can wait for a bit.

The shortage of adderall may be cause for confusion and panic but all is not lost. As long as you keep your cool and try your best to navigate through the shortage, you will come up with a solution that will work at least temporarily for your family and your child. So don’t lose hope!


  1. The Drug Shortage Crisis in the United States, NCBI
  2. FDA Announces Shortage of Adderall, U.S Food And Drug Administration
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