If There Is Anything About Pregnancy Nobody Wants To Talk About, It Is This

Before you step out to shop for a new wardrobe, let’s have THAT talk (not the one about birds and bees, obviously) about what to really expect when you are expecting…

Food Restrictions

Yeah, this is huge! So you thought you will be forsaking Chinese food for nine months? Just the thought of dimsums makes me drool but ajinomoto or monosodium glutamate (MSG) figures largely not just in Chinese cuisine but also in other food items. These include sauces and dips that are commonly used in a favourite fast food – you guessed it! Say goodbye to burgers from KFC, McDonalds and Burger King. Be cautious of the words – seasoning & dressing!

Another favourite of mine that makes it to the list is smoked salmon and sushi! I don’t care much for sea creatures but I have a fondness for raw seafood (go figure). So if you are like me, then bid a tearful farewell to these dishes. The mercury from the fish can cross the placenta and impair your baby’s development (and you don’t want to gamble away with your pregnancy).

And lay off the red chilies and jalapenos too, sistah! Another culprit is unripe papaya, papaya skin and seeds. Eating a well ripened papaya in moderate amount can actually be good for you as it prevents constipation and heartburn and it is a good source of fiber. However, traditionally it is believed that papaya can cause miscarriage. So while the jury is still out on this one, it’s best to seek the doctor’s guidance.

Wax Off

You can still wax your arms and legs though your skin may feel more sensitive, thanks to those pregnancy hormones (if you let out oohs, aahs before then now you may go oooooh , aaaaah) but that sexy Brazilian bikini wax is off the radar! While some women may be willing to brave it out, mind you, my bikini area was off limits! Like I didn’t have more things to worry about already!

So How Pregnant Are You?

I remember being stuck in an elevator with a woman at a more advanced stage of pregnancy. We struck a casual conversation about our bump and then came the blow out of nowhere “You are four months pregnant? I thought you were in your third trimester!” F**@k. WHAT! Mr. Prime Minister, can you pass a bill that dictates punishment for such kind of low talk to a pregger? I know how big my bump is B**@#. Lay Off!

Are You Turning Into An Ogre?

So you find it’s not just your tummy blowing up like a balloon but your hands and feet are puffy too. As your pregnancy advances, your slim fingers and ballerina feet may look like Princess Fiona’s when she turned into an ogre. But fuss not! Once you pop your papoose, all will get back to normal (let’s hope)

Double Decker

Now this may please you if you had small bosom to begin with. From 34D I switched to a 38B (magical like Cinderella, no?) Feel confident to flaunt this while it lasts. They won’t stay puckered up for long as junior is going to suck till they sag!

Marked Like A Martyr

Women who escaped this, kindly move along and spare us your sneer! I used all the possible oils, lotions and creams right from the first trimester in hopes of preventing the inevitable stretch marks. Now I wrongly believed that I had nipped it in the bud. Much to my chagrin, in my third trimester they grew all around me like creepers, invading my stomach, thighs, and buttocks – even my calves! So now I wear them like badge of honor (like I have a choice!)

Itch You Can’t Scratch

Hemorrhoids can strike you anytime during and after pregnancy. Your bottom will itch, it may bleed and it can lead to painful bowel movement. The growing uterus strikes hard at the pelvic muscles and pressure just keeps mounting. Sometimes the itch may be due to worms (replay to childhood). So stay hydrated. Feed on fiber to keep things soft and smooth (take loads of rest and butt-care).

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