Is It Safe To Be On Intermittent Fasting While Breastfeeding?

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There are several things to consider when you have a baby. Your health and your baby’s well-being are the two most important factors, and everything you do should have a positive effect on you and your baby. You might be eager to lose the pregnancy weight, but you have to ensure that you are not causing any harm to your baby or to yourself. Some mothers vouch that they can lose their pregnancy weight just by breastfeeding. They swear by it and say that there is no need for any added exercise or specific diets. However, not all mothers lose weight only by breastfeeding. Within the first week after delivery, you might lose some weight that you retained as fluids. But the extra fat stored during pregnancy doesn’t disappear on its own (1).

You might be waiting to put away your maternity clothes and slip into your jeans, but it’s not an easy journey. So what should you do? What are the diets you can adopt to lose weight in a healthy manner? Intermittent fasting is one such diet regime that can aid in weight loss. But is it safe to do while breastfeeding? Read this article to find out.

In This Article

What Is Intermittent Fasting?

What Is Intermittent Fasting

Image: Shutterstock

Intermittent Fasting (IF) is an eating plan that alternates between fasting and eating regularly. It’s different from other diets because it focuses on when you eat rather than what you eat. According to research, IF is a method that helps you manage your weight and prevent (or even reverse) some forms of diseases (2).

There are several ways to intermittent fasting, and they’re all based on choosing regular intervals of fasting and eating. You can choose to eat only for eight hours during the day and fast for the rest. Another way is to choose to eat only one meal a day for two days a week. When your body goes that many hours without food, it uses up the stored sugars and starts to burn fat. This process is called metabolic switching (3).

Intermittent Fasting While Breastfeeding

Intermittent Fasting While Breastfeeding

Image: Shutterstock

If you’re considering IF while you’re breastfeeding, it’s natural to wonder if it’s safe. It’s best to first get advice from your doctor to clarify the possible risks of intermittent fasting while breastfeeding. But here are a few things to remember:

  • Milk Supply 

Mothers who are breastfeeding need more calories because they have to provide their baby with the essential nutrients. If you do not consume enough calories, it may bring your energy levels down and affect your milk supply (4).

  • Nutrition 

Intermittent fasting includes eating for a set period of time and fasting for the rest. It doesn’t lay a restriction on what you can eat. Therefore, you may end up eating unhealthy foods that are high in processed sugars, carbs, and fat, which may lead to further weight gain.

  • Hydration

While breastfeeding, you may be thirsty more than often. Especially during the summer months, breastfeeding may leave you feeling dehydrated. Not eating or drinking enough fluids might cause intense fatigue. Therefore, drink plenty of fluids to replenish all the water that is lost by breastfeeding.

It is advisable to avoid fasting while breastfeeding. If you want to get back in shape after your delivery, try to include simple exercises in your daily routine. Simple movements like walking, stretching, or even doctor-recommended yoga may aid in effective weight loss. Besides, you need to rest and eat as much as you want to help your body recover from childbirth. We hope this article helped you get some clarity on intermittent fasting while breastfeeding. Comment below and let us know your thoughts!

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