Is It True That Girls Potty Train Earlier Than Boys?

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Potty training is a talking point for all parents with toddlers, and discussing the hassles involved in this strenuous bathroom schooling surely engages them in a long and conflicting discourse. But, the one question that lingers in the minds of most parents is— Do girls potty train earlier than boys?

In This Article

Does Gender Decide A Child’s Potty Training Ability?

Does Gender Decide A Child’s Potty Training Ability

Image: Shutterstock

While potty training is an important milestone for kids, it isn’t an easy task that comes with a definite handbook. It is entirely dependent on the readiness of the child to cross the milestone and emerge as a proud neatnik. But, according to American Academy of Pediatrics, girls master potty training earlier than boys and excel at it (1). Girls lean towards accepting potty training at the age of 32.5 months, whereas boys are lagging behind in the race at 35 months. Girls tend to complete potty training about three months earlier than boys. Little girls have an upper hand of exhibiting advanced physical and language skills, but that doesn’t mean that your little boy is sure to take longer to train. Toddlers and preschool boys exhibit more physical activity than girls, which is one of the reasons for them to slack off at being potty trained.

On an average, a child may take about eight months to learn to use the seat. But girls tend to take the road to cleanliness quicker than boys do. Some of the reasons for this include low maturity levels of boys in comparison to that of girls, the absence of a role model to demonstrate the toilet business, and the difference in the anatomy of the boys that requires them to stand rather than sit. However, we cannot ignore the fact that the experience of potty training isn’t going to be the same for all children. A child’s ability to learn to pull up their pants and pull them down when needed is determined by their mental and physical preparedness. Children, irrespective of their gender, may show a varied inclination towards using the pot. While some may start early, others may prolong the training till their pre-school days.

How To Make Potty Training An Easy Task


Teaching your kids to use the seat can be a Herculean task, but there’s no escape. So, make it fun and interesting to keep your child focused. Instead of making potty training a daunting experience, try and make it more rewarding. Positive reinforcement is the key with children. Anything that is forbidden becomes all the more desirable to them. Underwear training can be a breeze if you manage to chalk out a way of encouraging them through treats and rewards. Try giving them a candy every time they make a progress, or create a little dance step to celebrate their first independent toilet business, or just ask them what they want and reward them with it.

How To Overcome The Potty Training Hurdle


When it comes to training your boys, here’s a list of things that could come in handy:

  • Teach them to sit down on the seat, before you gradually transition them into standing up for their nature calls.
  • Accidents happen, and they will take time to understand how to aim. Go easy on them.
  • They will mimic what you do, so if the dad helps in training, then he will learn faster.
  • Do not shy away from talking about their bodies and how to maintain hygiene.

Your little girls need as much attention as the boys do, here’s what you need to remember:


  • You can use a prop like a doll, and you can make your daughter teach the doll the dos and don’ts.
  • Always give enough importance to hygiene and teach her to wipe from front to back to prevent any infections or rashes.

Getting your kids to start wearing underpants and use the toilet without soiling their clothes is indeed a tough job, but stick to the plan, remain patient, and keep a track of your child’s development. Irrespective of their gender, each kid has a different potty-training timeline, and let them take their own.

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