Meet Jacinda Ardern: The Badass Mom And PM Who Dealt With A Major Terrorist Attack, Volcanic Eruption And Pandemic

Leaders are meant to inspire and evoke feelings of pride and aspiration in young minds. Not all leaders manage to instill those emotions in people, but some of them do. The most favorite leader in the world right now is Jacinda Ardern. If you haven’t already heard of her, you are missing out on a ton of inspiration. The Prime Minister of New Zealand and the most inspiring leader, Jacinda Ardern, is everybody’s favorite. She has become a viral sensation and is taking over social media with her achievements. The young, old, rich, and poor, are filled with love and admiration for the things she has done and continues to do. Ardern became the youngest leader ever of the Labour Party, and just at the age of 37, she became New Zealand’s Prime Minister.

Meet Jacinda Ardern: The Badass Mom And PM Who Dealt With A Major Terrorist Attack, Volcanic Eruption And Pandemic

Image: jacindaardern/Instagram

Her team challenged her to sum up her achievements in two minutes to mark her term’s second anniversary in office as Prime Minister. She summed up an entire list of all the possible achievements in a video to celebrate her anniversary of two years, and she pretty much killed it. Jacinda Ardern calls it the “Wee Challenge” and the video went viral on social media. She put up the video on Facebook, but it made its way to other social media platforms as well. She also received a ton of admiration and praise for it.

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The Wee Challenge Video

The video is 2 minutes 55 seconds long and garnered more than 2.3 million views since it was uploaded online. In the video, she talks about how the government created more than 92,000 jobs, built more than 2,200 state homes, and planted 140 million trees. They’ve also banned single-use plastic bags. She said that they’ve reduced the cost of doctor visits, got better cancer care through radiation machines, PHARMAC funding, and created essential cancer agencies. The super leader’s government has built classrooms for over 100,000 students and reduced the unemployment rate to the lowest it has been in 11 years. They have recorded the highest increase in wages over a decade and boosted incomes for 384,000 families through the family’s package. They have also increased the funding in schools, so parents do not have to worry about paying donations and also made state highways safer.

Meet Jacinda Ardern: The Badass Mom And PM Who Dealt With A Major Terrorist Attack, Volcanic Eruption And Pandemic

Image: jacindaardern/Instagram

They have given mental health the importance it deserves and set up clinics with mental health advisors, doctors, and general practitioners across the country. Under her leadership, the government has increased daily wage to $17.70, and they have started cleaning up their rivers and lakes through planting trees and fencing waterways. Schools have been introduced to a free lunch program, and there has been an increase in the funding allocated to addiction treatments. They’ve also introduced the zero carbon bill, increased the income of teachers, nurses, and police officers, and the list goes on and on and then some. Jacinda Ardern received a ton of praise on the internet after this video went viral!

SuperWoman In Plain Sight

Meet Jacinda Ardern: The Badass Mom And PM Who Dealt With A Major Terrorist Attack, Volcanic Eruption And Pandemic

Image: jacindaardern/Instagram

It is truly incredible to see how much this badass woman has accomplished in 2 years. She commented on the Facebook post, saying that it is not the complete list and left the whole world in awe of her leadership. She is appreciated at large for the way she handled the terrorist attack with compassion and empathy. Under her leadership, New Zealand has become a COVID-19 free country too! While being the most badass yet gracious leader, she also gave birth to a beautiful baby girl during her term, and that did not stop her from accomplishing great things for New Zealand!

Jacinda Ardern gives us hope. She is the progressive new wave leadership that the world needs today and has been feted globally as a symbol for women in leadership roles. We hope leaders worldwide take a cue from her awesomeness and strive to become at least half the leader she is. New Zealand is blessed to have her as their Prime Minister and the rest of the world is jealous that she isn’t our leader!

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