6 Life Skills I'd Want My Kids To Learn Early In Life

Although getting a proper education is imperative for the intellectual development of a person, there are a lot of skills that the Indian education system fails to impart when it comes to dealing with the real world. It is, however, a sad irony how most of us come to this realization right after we graduate out of college and are officially done with our educational endeavor. Even though it is too late for us, we could most certainly ensure that our kids are taught these skills early on in life. Below are 6 important life skills that every kid should learn apart from the history and algebra they are taught at school.

In This Article

1. Eating Right

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Following a healthy lifestyle is something that some of us struggle to achieve. And as an adult, it may not be an easy feat to achieve if that has never been your priority. Switching up your diet from burgers and coke to broccoli and kale is easier said than done. However, teaching kids the importance of maintaining a healthy diet at a very young age may help them stick to the same well into adulthood as well. An occasional burger and fries never hurt nobody, but make sure they know the benefits and importance of following a healthy diet.

2. Working Out

Working Out

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Just like a healthy diet, working out is an important aspect of staying healthy. With the advent of social media, kids today are more addicted to smartphones and tablets like never before. And by being glued to screens playing video games or surfing the internet, kids lose out on quality playtime outdoors. It’s important that young kids spend at least an hour every day playing outdoors and getting some sort of physical exercise. Working out doesn’t have to be boring; engage your kids in fun outdoor activities. This will not only help them stay fit, but you’ll also be creating precious childhood memories for them.

3. Learning At Least One Sport

Learning At Least One Sport

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Playing at least one sport is important as it teaches you discipline and how to work as a team. Something that would help you way into your adulthood as well. It would help you strategize and sharpen your hand-eye coordination at a very young age. Engaging in sports activities also helps kids improve their cognitive power.

4. Learning Financially Independence

Learning Financially Independence

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One of our super desi traits is to financially support our kids until the day they start their own family. Although done out of love, we need to realize that this can significantly hinder our kid’s ability to lead an independent life. Children, especially teenagers, need to be taught the importance of financial independence and how that would help them take control of their own lives.

5. Doing Your Taxes

Doing Your Taxes

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Can we all unanimously agree that figuring out how to file your taxes is one of the most tricky things out there? And something we all dread doing. That is why most of us end up hiring a CA to do it for us. Although that is definitely an option, you could go for, learning how to do your own taxes is an important skill that every adult should know.

6. Understanding Investments And The Stock Market

Understanding Investments And The Stock Market

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Let’s face it! None of us were taught how to make shrewd investment decisions when we were young. Hell, most of us still struggle to stay astute when it comes to smart financial planning. Although it might not seem like the need of the hour, knowledge of the stock market and investments at a young age may help you save up a lot for a stress-free future.

Parenting is a tough job, and amidst teaching them the basics, we often forget to teach the most important life skills that would help them survive in the real world.

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