9 Lifesaving Tips For Surviving The First Trimester

Doctors say, and with good reason, the first trimester is the most crucial time for any pregnant mom. There is much that is about to go down, and pretty soon, you’ll be irked by your friends and family giving you advice, and recommending every pregnancy book under the sun.

So, to help you get away from it all, we’ve listed some lifesaving tips that will help you breeze through the first trimester, without losing the plot and getting overwhelmed.

In This Article

1. Dress Right

You aren’t at the flowing gown and bump-hiding attire stage yet. You are pregnant, but the baby bump is barely visible, and you can’t really fit into over-sized clothing yet. Consider wearing something like a Trapeze top, Swing top, or even an oversized Slouchy top. They don’t accentuate your belly, and can help you hide the bump easily.

2. Eat Coconuts

Coconuts are chock full of nutrients and are good for any woman, pregnant or not. While you are pregnant, having coconut water can help hydrate your body, and replenish lost potassium and other mineral stores. Coconut oil can help reduce those stretch marks after delivery as well.

So, whether you enjoy eating coconut, or drinking coconut water, be sure to have more of this medicinal fruit during pregnancy, especially the first trimester. And have it fresh. Do not opt for stale ones.

3. Carry Barf Bags

Face it, you’re going to get queasy in the first trimester. You will learn that morning sickness can happen at just about any time in the day, and there isn’t much you can about it, but let it all out. So, carrying some barf bags around all the time may save you a great deal of trouble and embarrassment during the first trimester.

4. Stay Hydrated

This one’s a bit obvious, we admit, but not many women follow through on this bit of advice. You need to drink plenty of fluid, especially during the first trimester. And, plain ol’ water won’t do all the time. You need to get creative about getting the right amount of fluid for your body. Considering whipping up smoothies, or indulging in fruits with high-water content like watermelons, oranges, etc. will do just the trick.

5. Avoid Using Skin Care Ointments

As those hormones begin to work in overdrive, you will be transported back to your teens. Those irritating acne breakouts will surely leave you distressed. But, you should avoid using ointments that contain salicylic acid and retinoids on your skin, as these may be absorbed by the bloodstream and lead to complications with your unborn baby.

6. Get A Prenatal Massage

You can’t rely on your spouse, your mom, or your best friend to give you a massage unless either of them is professional masseuse. A prenatal massage at the spa will rejuvenate and refresh you. Remember to get professional help whenever you can.

7. Pay Attention To Footwear

One of the first symptoms of pregnancy is edema, or swelling in the legs. So, it makes sense that you check and double check the kind of footwear you use. If you wear heels most of the time, you might want to invest in some flat shoes now that you’re expecting.

8. Choose The Right Bra

Along with the swollen feet, your breasts will also engorge during the first trimester. You would obviously have to change bras, and you may need to buy stuff that is of a bigger size. Consider investing in sports bras, as they don’t exert too much pressure on your breasts, and can accommodate your swelling breasts.

9. Comfort Pillow

You know one of those squishy things that help you relax? Get a comfort pillow, depending on how soft or not you want it to be, and use it between your knees or back, to give you some extra support and provide relaxation.

So, there you have it. Nine lifesaving hacks to help you through the first trimester. Can you think of any more? Tell us here.

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