8 Memes That Sum Up Your Third Trimester

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So, you were told after all the morning sickness, strange aches, and awkward bladder situations, you will end up with a glow on your face? But they left all the scary side effects of pregnancy, didn’t they? The crazy changes that happen to your body not only drain you out but can also turn you into a cry-baby one day to downright whacky on another.

The unusual journey of pregnancy is filled with numerous issues that might qualify as too much information for a lot of people out there. In addition to the physical changes that women undergo, there are some awkward and potentially odd experiences they have to deal with as well. While some well-wishers may sympathize, they might not necessarily understand what the mother-to-be is actually going through. So, all they are left with is: venting it out!

After what feels like an eternity, women finally step into the last phase of this journey – the nerve-racking third trimester – only to realize it’s not a cakewalk, to say the least. But, the good part is that you’ve covered most of the journey and now inching towards the finish line. Although there is no dearth of things to complain about during pregnancy, there is a lot to get excited too. The fact that, in the end, you’ll have your little baby in your arms, makes it worth the wait!

And while you wait for that special moment to arrive, why not humor yourself with these hilarious memes that aptly sum up your third trimester. And let us warn you, it may even leave you with a laughter-induced stomach ache. Scroll below and enjoy a good laugh!

1. When People Ask For A Millionth Time If You Are Prepared For The Birth

When People Ask For A Millionth Time If You Are Prepared For The Birth

Image: GIPHY

There are some questions you’re just too tired of answering, aren’t you? This has to be the one topping the list.

2. Trying To Recollect The Last Time You Got Some Sleep

Trying To Recollect The Last Time You Got Some Sleep

Image: Credit: giphy.com

With a baby on its way, it’s only natural that the mother-to-be experiences a bit of insomnia.

3. Arguing Over Baby Names With Your Husband

Arguing Over Baby Names With Your Husband

Image: GIPHY

Of all the unnecessary arguments you are likely to have with your partner, what with the unpredictable mood swings and imbalanced hormones, this one takes the cake.

4. When A Stranger Tries To Touch Your Baby Bump

When A Stranger Tries To Touch Your Baby Bump

Image: Credit: pinimg.com

As if it isn’t annoying enough to answer a thousand questions from strangers and relatives alike, there are people touching your baby bump under the pretense of inquiring about your health. But, guess what, it’s impolite and it is NOT OKAY!

5. Listening To Co-Worker Giving You Parenting 101

Listening To Co-Worker Giving You Parenting 101

Image: GIPHY

From the moment you announce your pregnancy until the time you deliver, a lot of unsolicited advice will come your way, especially from the co-worker across your cubicle.

6. Pregnancy Cravings Hit You Hard

Pregnancy Cravings Hit You Hard

Image: Credit: giphy.com

If there’s one bittersweet side-effect of getting pregnant, it is the burst of uncontrollable cravings that show up unannounced at 3 in the morning (1).

7. When Someone Mentions That Natural Birth Isn’t All That Bad

When Someone Mentions That Natural Birth Isn’t All That Bad

Image: GIPHY

Until someone would have pushed a center table from inside their body, it is unlikely they will understand that natural birth can’t exactly be called a “pleasant” experience (2).

8. When Your Partner Asks, “How Are You Doing?”

When Your Partner Asks, “How Are You Doing”

Image: Credit: giphy.com

Well, I am carrying a person in my womb. If it isn’t evident how miserable I am, then maybe don’t ask me that question again!

Now that you’ve laughed your belly out, we hope this has cheered you up a bit. To the mothers in the midst of their third trimester, the thing you need to look forward to is the moment when your baby is with you; you’ll realize just how trivial everything else is then.

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