Getting Real About Pregnancy: Check Your Mental Health

There might be many different ways you prepare for your baby’s arrival when you’re pregnant. You’ll have to make changes in your diet, lifestyle, and sleep patterns to fit a healthier routine when you’re preparing for a baby. Things change — your body changes. Your life will not be the same anymore after you’ve had a baby, and that is something that you should know and accept well in advance. It might be surprising to know how much your mental health changes during pregnancy. Sure, hormones are surging through your body to accommodate a life growing inside you, but if you don’t pay attention to your mental health, it might be more challenging than it needs to be once your baby arrives. So what should you do to keep your mental health in check during pregnancy? Scroll below to find out.

In This Article

5 Signs That Your Mental Health Might Need Help

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Just like you need a day or two to rest when you’re physically ill, you have to take time off to recover from a mentally draining day. If you’re someone with mental health issues, you have to look out for more signs that point to not-so-stable mental health. What could be the signs? According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), here are a few signs and symptoms that could mean that you’re suffering from anxiety and depression (1):

  • Irritability

If you’re feeling irritable and frustrated more than normal, it’s easy to brush it off and blame the pregnancy hormones. However, feeling irritable and frustrated more often might be a sign that you have depression.

  • Sadness

Have you been feeling sad and gloomy a lot recently? That could be a sign of depression, and it’s best to get yourself checked by a mental health professional.

  • Fatigue

It’s natural for you to feel tired more often than your pre-pregnancy days. But if you’re experiencing a lot of tiredness and fatigue, there are chances that your mental health needs to be checked.

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  • Changes In Appetite And Sleep

If your appetite and sleep patterns have changed drastically, it could point to a bigger issue. Don’t ignore it, assuming that these changes are occurring only because you’re pregnant.

  • Finding It Hard To Find Joy

If you’re someone who enjoys painting, gardening, or cooking and have suddenly lost interest in these things, it could be a cry for help. You might not realize that not finding joy in the things you usually do could be a sign of getting yourself checked for mental stability.

What Should You Do?

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It’s challenging to address a mental health concern because of the huge stigma and shame attached to it. However, when you’re pregnant, it’s vital that you pay attention to your mental health and keep it in check. Poor mental health could affect not only you but your baby too. Here are few things that you could to keep yourself in check:

  • Speak up. Talk to your doctor, partner, or anyone you’re comfortable with. Open up to them and tell them about your fears, struggles and worries. Talking to someone helps take the load off and makes you feel lighter.
  • Take a break. It’s natural to feel overwhelmed during pregnancy. You might be worried about how your life will change after pregnancy and if you’re ready for it. Share these concerns with your partner or friends. Take a break from thinking about being a parent and do something you love.

It’s always best to consult a medical professional if you’re feeling overwhelmed. They are there to help you, and there is no need to feel any shame for seeking help. You are not alone, and it’s okay not to be okay. Have you checked up on your mental health? Comment below and let us know.

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