Phrases That Have A Lasting Impact On Your Children

It takes years of experience to become mature and self-independent. However, with a good upbringing, every kid can achieve this milestone quickly. It’s not just about discipline alone. Sometimes harsh words can hurt deeper than a knife. Yes, it’s not easy to forget and let go of a child, especially when it comes from the parents throughout childhood.

Today, we’ll discuss some of the phrases parents use on their children, which can deeply impact their further development. So let’s get started!

In This Article

1. “Don’t Behave Like A Boy/Girl!”

Don’t Behave Like A Boy/Girl

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Gender stereotyping is still a part of our society today. For example, saying girls can’t ride bikes or boys can’t play with dolls. These kinds of statements are still heard a lot of times. Even if you neglect these comments, you can’t ignore how deeply they can affect your child’s perception of either gender. For example, a boy will grow up thinking it’s weak to cry, and a girl will think it’s only allowed boys to drive or ride a vehicle. This thinking will also worsen their relationship in the future.

2. “We Are Ashamed Of You….”

We Are Ashamed Of You

Image: Shutterstock

When parents work hard for their children, they expect favorable outcomes from their children. It’s a fair trade, although when kids don’t perform or deliver according to their expectations, they make this kind of harsh comment. To be honest, there’s no fault if a child can’t return the favor. Having such an amount of responsibilities to handle can be a challenging task for anyone. But seeing their parents blaming them instead of supporting them can feel shattered.

3. “You Look Like A Beggar.”

You Look Like A Beggar

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It’s a fact that parents call their kids several names and adjectives throughout their life. But little do they know that these funny-sounding names or adjectives can easily give their children a sense of insecurity. Not complimenting or telling them how confident and bold they are can make them feel very low. This doesn’t mean you have to lie to them, but it’s your responsibility to make them feel good about themselves.

4. “No One Will Come To Help You….”

No One Will Come To Help You

Image: Shutterstock

Adults have been through a lot and experienced more events or situations, but it doesn’t mean they expect the same maturity from their kids. Of course, your kids will make mistakes, mix with the wrong company, and even be heartbroken, but you shouldn’t say these things to them when they need your support. Instead, you should assure them that you’ll be there for them always.

5. “You Are Just Wasting Our Money!!”

You Are Just Wasting Our Money

Image: Shutterstock

As a parent, you invest a lot in your children. Whether it is time or money, you just can’t say rude statements like these. Before your children owe you something, you have to fulfill their needs, so you can’t be the ones complaining. As a result, your children will never be able to perform to their full potential knowing that you think of them as nothing more than just a burden.

6. “Leave It! You’re Just Good For Nothing!”

Leave It! You’re Just Good For Nothing

Image: Shutterstock

Expecting your kid to learn a household chore instantly, which you have been doing for years now, is absurd. No one is born with perfect skills. It’s only with proper practice and dedication that people learn to do various things effortlessly. So, as a parent, you have to understand these three things. Firstly, you have to give your kids a chance to make mistakes. Then, you need to motivate them if they cannot perform it in a go. At last, you have to stop being impatient if they don’t make enough progress according to your expectations.

7. “It’s Your Duty To Care For Your Sibling.”

It’s Your Duty To Care For Your Sibling

Image: Shutterstock

Well, it’s never an easy task to quickly become a caretaker at such a young age. Instead of living and enjoying their childhood, many parents appoint their older children to look after their younger siblings. And to be honest, no kid would want to regret and blame their parents for making such a decision. It’s okay to pass on some responsibility, but relying on a young kid’s support can be too much to ask for.

8. “Could’ve Done Much Better.”

Could’ve Done Much Better

Image: Shutterstock

Every parent wants their kid to be in the first position, whether in race or academics. But when a kid cannot secure that rank, their parents make such comments instead of boosting their morale and appreciating their efforts. To allow improvement, you must give your kid the proper support and backing without burdening them with disappointments. Also, neglecting their actions can make them stressed about upcoming opportunities, and they might procrastinate and not even try.

Every kid needs that boost of moral support from their parents because where else they’ll find that? And as a parent, you must make your kids comfortable and secure around you so they can perform well in their future endeavors and make you proud. So what did you think about these phrases? Let us know how you’d raise your kids in the comment section below.

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