7 Effective Ways To Get Your Baby To Latch On Comfortably

It’s natural to fantasize about how easy breastfeeding will be for your newborn kid when you’re pregnant. The reality, though, may be far from your imagination. Your breastfeeding sessions may be uncomfortable and unproductive for days before you figure out that the lousy latch is to blame. It’s essential to know how to help your baby latch on, as it’s not unusual for mom and baby to have a bumpy start to breastfeeding. The position of the latch while breastfeeding may determine whether or not your bonding experience is pleasant or unpleasant for you. When the latch is secure, moms don’t have to worry about their babies being uncomfortable and newborns can feed to their hearts’ content. Of course, it takes a lot of work to guide a newborn to a secure latch. Here in this article, are a few tips to secure a comfortable latch for your little one. Read on to know them all.

In This Article

1. Sit In The Correct Position

Sit In The Correct Position
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Helping your baby acquire a healthy latch begins with becoming comfortable in the proper position. You must be satisfied with the posture because you’ll hold on to your baby for a while. It is recommended to recline at almost a 45-degree angle so that you can relax and gravity can help support your baby. If you are not entirely comfortable, feeding for long hours may be a problem. Make sure you sit in a cozy corner with your favorite book, the perfect temperature, and lots of back support before you take your little one to feed.

2. Get Comfortable

Get Comfortable
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The best position for a healthy latch is with the infant on a nursing support cushion. There are many shapes and sizes of nursing cushions available for you to choose from. This also ensures that your hands are free for other work while your baby sleeps comfortably while feeding. Also, this might go longer than you expected, so you need to keep the bottle of water, your phone, and earplugs nearby, as the slightest of movements can suddenly make your baby cranky.

3. Belly Rub

Belly Rub
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It’s best to hold your baby up so that your breast is close to their mouth and they don’t have to work too hard to reach your nipple. If you want your baby to search for your nipple while beginning to feed, a little belly rub does the trick to signal to them that it is lunchtime!

4. Tickle The Baby’s Lips

Tickle The Baby's Lips
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Your baby has to have their lips open about half an inch for you to reach the base of the nipple into their mouth for a successful latch. However, if they are reluctant to open their mouth, you can tickle their lower lips with your nipple to signal them that food is ready!

5. Strive For Perfection

Strive For Perfection
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Once the baby can open their mouth wide enough, you must place the nipple directly in their mouth. Directing the nipple toward the baby’s lisps results in a more secure latch. Since the feeding session can last longer than you imagine, you must be seated in a comfortable position.

6. Exercise Your Skills Frequently

Exercise Your Skills Frequently
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Babies were designed for breastfeeding, despite what you might think if you’re experiencing problems. Practice makes everything perfect and it works the same if you want to ensure your baby has a secure latch. The sooner you begin breastfeeding, the more likely your baby is to be able to successfully utilize their innate capacity to latch on.

7. Seek Assistance

Seek Assistance
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Don’t be embarrassed to ask for assistance if you feel you’ve exhausted all possible breastfeeding techniques but that you and the baby are still struggling. Many moms find breastfeeding very painful, even if their baby can latch on. You can pump the milk out at such times and let your partner or someone else feed the baby through the bottle.

Everything that happens after you have your little one in your arms is a new experience for you. It may seem easy and straightforward in the book, but doing it will surely make you want to get as much help as you want. It is ok to ask for assistance, as being a mother is never easy. Make sure you take care of yourself, too, and don’t neglect any self-care necessary for you. You can research the process beforehand, so there are no unwanted surprises left to startle you at the end. So, would you like to add anything to our list? Let us know in the comments section! Happy parenting!

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