Pregnancy Weeks 10 To 18 – Here’s What Happens Inside You

If you read our previous article, you probably know what goes on inside your womb from weeks 1 to 9. And, beginning from where we left off, here is another post on the series:

In This Article

Week 10

The fetus is still quite minuscule, but active, as your unborn begins to kick around. The fetus’ organs (liver, kidneys, intestines, brain, and lungs) are fully developed and functional. The head is larger than the body, but all that will soon change over the next few weeks and months.

Week 11

Your baby’s body parts like toenails, fingers, and toes are all developed and separated, which allows the fetus to kick and stretch. The next couple of weeks will have the last few developmental touches. After that, your baby just has to grow and become strong.

Week 12

This week marks the end of your first trimester. Your baby’s reflexes improve, as she may squirm around if you poke your stomach. However, you won’t be able to feel that movement just yet.

Physically, your baby’s face looks more like a human, as the eyes move closer together, and the ears are almost in place. The organs begin to perform more complex tasks. For example, the liver begins to make bile and the kidneys begin to secrete urine.

You’ll notice a vertical line of dark pigmentation, the “black line” or the linea nigra on your belly. And, you’ll be approaching your second trimester, which will require you to wear comfortable and loose clothing.

Week 13

Your baby’s cheek muscles begin to work so she can prepare herself for being breastfed in the future. If you’re having a girl, she will have an approximate of 2 million eggs in her ovaries, but this will decrease to 1 million during birth.

Week 14

Your baby now has eyebrows and hair on her head; however, the hair may change in color and texture after she’s born. Because of a functional brain, your baby is now able to make different facial expressions. She can squint, frown, and even grimace! Your little one may even begin to suck her thumb.

Week 15

Your baby can now get hiccups without you realizing because this marks the step before breathing. Also, her genitals begin to develop. However, you may not be able to tell your baby’s sex just yet.

Week 16

The size of an avocado, your baby will soon experience a growth spurt in terms of weight and length. She will become more playful. The umbilical cord is her toy! Her circulatory system and urinary tract are working well, and the baby is now in amniotic fluid, which protects her as she grows.

Week 17

The baby’s skeleton is mostly cartilage right now, but in the next few weeks, it’ll begin to harden. Sweat glands now begin to develop, along with a growing and strengthening umbilical cord, which connects to the placenta.

Week 18

Your baby’s chest moves up and down to breathing – for practice if you will. Soon enough, you’ll be able to go for a scan where you will see the magic inside your womb. You and the doctor will be able to assess the baby’s growth and development. Also, you may be able to see your baby kicking, flexing, moving around, and maybe even sucking her thumb!

This is when you may be able to tell the sex of the baby, as a girl will already have a vagina, uterus, and fallopian tubes whereas a boy will already have distinct genitals.

Keep in mind that this is simply a guideline, as all babies grow differently.

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