10 Proven Ways To Comfort A Woman In Labor

A woman in labor could go into a distress mode no matter how well she is prepared. What could you do to comfort her? On one hand it might be an impossible thing to relieve her of any pain. On the other, you could do your part by providing some moral support and kind gestures that could alleviate any distress. The help that comes from those around a woman in labor has a tremendous impact on her safe delivery. Here’s what you could do to help a woman in labor, or ask for these to be extended to you if you go into labor:

In This Article

1. Give Physical Comfort

Of course, it’s not a time for body massage! But massaging the face will release her stress and anxiety. When in labor women show signs with jaws, shoulders and limbs. Apply cool compress on face and neck. Running your hands down her shoulders will make her feel relaxed. You might also notice her crossing her knees if she is sitting upright. If sitting with her legs reaching for the floor, you will notice that her toes would touch the floor but the heels are off the floor. Washing face once in a while will get rid of the perspiration. A heat pad, warm blanket or rice sock when applied to the lower back, the perineum ends or limbs would help her.

2. Allowing The Partner In Delivery Room

In few countries woman’s partner is allowed in the delivery room. It’s a great help to have him by her side. As he holds her hands, she feels empowered to take that challenge head-on. While some women are wary about their partners touching or holding their hands at the time of labor, a partner’s very presence in the room will be quite an encouraging initiative.

3. Kind Words

Kind and encouraging words from all those around this woman will be soothing to her ears. Not only the husband but also every single person involved in delivering her could help her through kind words. In certain hospitals, some of the medical staff are strong at ‘instructing’ rather than empathizing with her situation. Ensure that she sees the empathizing team to avoid any bitter experiences.

4. Talking To Someone

Confiding in someone she trusts is good to discuss and seek advice from. Prepare a birth plan with the hospital staff to deal with the anticipated fear.

5. Breathing Exercises

Breathing in a sighing pattern in a rhythmic pattern helps several women. 20 to 30 breaths per minute in a quick shallow breathing, light breathing or moans helps you avoid hyperventilating or excessive panting during labor.

6. Proper Metabolism

Make sure that she takes ample water or fluids at regular intervals. She should also eat to have plenty of energy for that marathon called labor. She should also visit the bathroom regularly to empty the bladder. A full bladder could be a hindrance to labor!

7. Pain Management

Certain positions might be more hurtful than others during labor. Change the position to what makes her the most comfortable. You could also give her counter pressure with your hands on her back if she complains of the back hurting too much. Performing this on knees and hands position will also alleviate the pain.

8. Water Birthing And Warm Showers

With growing popularity, water birthing is often the choice of several pregnant women these days. Recommend her to opt for a shower or a tub that can ease her pains.

9. Making A Great Environment

Choose the right hospital for the delivery. Make the environment pleasant. Ensure that she is provided with all sorts of devices for comfort – such as a birth ball, rocking chair, CD player for music, squatting bar, wall railings, etc. Choose good healthcare providers – look for their experience in the past or get reviews from others who have been there before.

10. What She Is Going Through Is For Good

Constantly telling her that whatever she is going through is for her baby will motivate her and help her endure it all. She won’t mind giving that extra push to pop-out that little miracle.

Were there any other techniques you were advised to follow during delivery? Write us back!

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