Pregnancy Cravings: Why Do They Happen?

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We’ve all heard about the famous food craving phenomenon that occurs when a woman is pregnant. You might not like sweets, but you might crave sweets, chocolates, ice creams, and jams when you’re pregnant. We’ve all heard stories of women who want certain foods and send their partners out to get the raw mangoes, ice creams, pickles, or chocolates. These foods are delicious, and you probably don’t need to be pregnant to crave them. But then, strange, bizarre, and unexplainable cravings also occur when women are pregnant. Take Beyonce, for example. When she was pregnant, her food cravings made the headlines. How could it not? She needed to dip bananas in ketchup and eat oreo biscuits with gherkins. Told you—bizarre! But the exact cause of these cravings is not known.

The expectant mother craves a particular food that they did not necessarily enjoy before pregnancy. Generally, craving sets in during the first trimester and peak during the second. They do not occur for any particular reason and even differ from one pregnancy to another. They are quite unpredictable and often disappear after the birth of the child (1).

In This Article

Reason For Cravings

Reason For Cravings

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Studies have shown that culture plays a role in what you crave. It was found that women from Tanzania wanted meat the most, and some women from America craved sweets and dairy. While studies show a correlation between culture and cravings, the reason why these cravings occur is not entirely clear (2).

Women have been having cravings during pregnancy since the beginning of time, but researchers have not found a possible reason. Some suggest that it’s the result of hormonal changes. Since pregnant women go through many changes in their hormone levels, the food cravings might be a by-product of that. A hormone called NPY (Neuropeptide Y) is known to increase appetite. It is manufactured in the hypothalamus and distributed in various brain regions, which causes a spike in appetite levels. Research showed that the hormone NPY is synthesized more during pregnancy, which increases appetite. Another hormone called ghrelin is also linked to increased appetite during pregnancy. However, these hormones show no relation to food cravings, and researchers have not found an adequate explanation of the phenomena (3).

Mystery Of Cravings

Mystery Of Cravings

Image: Shutterstock

Pregnancy cravings have been a part of the process since the beginning of time. From chocolates to ice creams and pickles to pizzas, women have been craving foods throughout their term, but there has not been sufficient evidence to understand why these cravings occur. But what we know is that it’s the best time to indulge in the foods you love and enjoy. After all, who can deny a pregnant woman? If a woman is with a child and asks for a chocolate cake at 1 a.m, you have no choice but to oblige. So, ladies, this is your chance to indulge in delicious food without a care in the world.

Some people also believe that a woman craves a specific type of food because of a nutritional deficit. But whether you have food cravings or not, it goes without saying that you have to watch your diet and not eat too unhealthy. Try to satisfy your cravings with healthier snack alternatives so that you don’t cause any harm to you and your baby.

It’s always better to stick to home-cooked food when you’re pregnant as you control the hygiene and nutritional value of what you eat. But if you do have cravings that only restaurant ordered foods can satisfy, it is good to consult your doctor before following through on them. They are the best people to tell you if it’s okay to fulfill a craving or not. What are some of the foods you crave during pregnancy? Comment below and let us know.

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