Reasons Why It Is Important To Set Limits With Kid

As every good parent knows, setting boundaries and limits for your little ones from an early age is extremely important. As much as we want our kids to like us, and want them to see us as a friend, we are first and foremost their parents. And that comes with the responsibility of discipling them and guiding them, so that they know right from wrong. Setting limits for your kids entails establishing clear behavioral guidelines. Parents are far too busy to set rules about the smallest things and sometimes need to establish limits on the go so that their kids understand what behaviors are acceptable and what to do away with. However, setting these limits and sticking to them isn’t always as easy as it seems. After all, kids are very good at getting out of trouble and as a parent, you are bound to feel guilty and give in to them from time to time. So why is it important to set limits and how do you stick to them? If you want to know more, read on!

In This Article

1. Limits Teach Self-Discipline

Setting limitations teaches your kids the important and invaluable skill of self-discipline. When you say things like “It’s time for bed” or set aside specific playtime, you are promoting the growth of disciplined and responsible children. Your goal as a parent is to make sure that your child eventually learns to manage their responsibilities by themselves and this is a great first step to ensure that that happens. Help your child plan their schedules and develop strategies that will teach them restraint, patience and organization. You can also teach them how to be efficient by setting timers for chores and everyday tasks and rewarding them for beating them. These small things go a long way.

2. Limits Keep Kids Safe

Limits Keep Kids Safe

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Here’s another reason to establish limits that most parents don’t take into consideration. Limits teach your kids the importance of safety measures. For instance, it may be okay for your kids to play outdoors, but they need limits so that they know where and how far they can go, what places to avoid, and who not to talk to while playing outside. This also extends to internet usage. Teaching your kids limits will keep them from accessing dangerous sites and talking to strangers online. These limits can be broadened as your kid starts to mature. Allow them the opportunity to exercise their learnings about being autonomous and responsible, within the limits that you’ve set for them. Be attentive to their growth and revisit these limits and rules periodically so you may recognize when they need fewer limits.

3. Limits Ensure Good Health

Limits Keep Kids Healthy

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Most kids are impulsive in nature and crave immediate gratification. It’s your job as a parent to instill the virtue of patience and health, especially when it comes to monitoring their eating habits. Without parental supervision many children would indulge in junk food the entire day, which only leads to a tummy ache and other long-term consequences. However, setting limits on their guilty pleasures, telling them that they can’t have “just one more candy” or that they can only have that chocolate after they’ve finished their meal, can help keep tabs on their diet. And no, this isn’t a bad thing. Such limits are important to help kids make healthy choices so that they don’t go overboard. Everything in moderation. This also extends to exposure to electronic devices. Limits are necessary to teach kids how much is too enough. So that they can exercise and stay hygienic, active, and healthy.

4. Limits Help Kids Deal With Difficult Emotions

Limits Help Kids Cope With Uncomfortable Emotions

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Negative emotions can be uncomfortable to experience, especially when you don’t know how to cope with them. Many parents indulge every whim and fancy of their child because they do not want to upset them. But learning to face these uncomfortable feelings at an early stage is a valuable skill to have. Your kid’s sulky face at not getting another chocolate is not enough reason to break limits. Sure it might solve the problem momentarily, but the long-term damage will be far worse. Instead, teach your kids the importance of delayed gratification and how to adhere to the limits you’ve placed on them. Help them navigate feelings of frustration and anger in healthy ways.

Teaching your child to behave well and stay within their limits is no easy task. But if you stay consistent and don’t compromise on them, your kids will soon fall in line. Happy parenting!

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