Resolutions That Every Mom Should Make

We’re well into the new year and if you haven’t picked out a resolution yet then we’re here to help. Moms are usually superheroes in disguise. They find a way to be everywhere all the time. They manage juggling work, personal life, relationship, taking care of the house and the babies all at once. And although this is admirable, it can also be exhausting. So many mothers experience burnout too early in life and this is because although they make several changes to look after their family, they rarely ever make changes for the benefit of themselves. This is why it’s so important to make a couple of resolutions so that you are healthy and happy. Here are a few resolutions that every mom should make.

In This Article

1. Perfection Doesn’t Matter

Perfection Doesn’t Matter

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Not only does it not matter but it also doesn’t exist. There is no such thing as the perfect mother or the perfect human being. Sure, there are traits that you can aim to have. Being empathetic, strong, kind and a role model are all things that you should strive to be. But there’s no point in beating yourself up if you come short of something or make mistakes. Everyone makes a bad call from time to time and you have your strengths and weaknesses as a parent that’s completely unique to yourself. So stop trying to be perfect. This also goes for trying to do everything at once. It’s okay to take a few shortcuts and allow others to help you. You don’t need to go grocery shopping and bake cupcakes from scratch. There’s nothing wrong with buying yourself some cake mix to make the job easier once you get home. Remember, you don’t get a trophy for overcomplicating life and trying to do it all. Sometimes it’s okay when things are not perfect!

2. Find Time To Play

Find Time To Play

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Many parents get swept up in all the things they need to do in order to raise children and maintain their lifestyles. A lot of your time at home probably goes into cleaning the mess your kids make, doing their laundry, making their meals and making sure they eat them. We forget and forgo the fun aspect of having kids. And this can lead to us feeling drained and more like a house maid than a mother. This is why it’s so important to play with your kids everyday and really engage with them. So make it a point to set aside some time to just enjoy their company without worrying about the endless list of chores that you’ve got to do because of them. This is also a great way to see how your child chooses to express themselves and get to know them a little better. Who could pass up on that!

3. Practice Healthy Habits

Practice Healthy Habits

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It’s time to take care of your body and mind and put yourself first. Moms often put themselves last on their list of priorities but that just won’t do. After all, everyone at home, the kids included, depend on you. So it won’t do you any good to work yourself to the bone and neglect your health. This is why you need to find an activity that you enjoy and commit to it. Take a walk every day, or a yoga class. If you’d much rather dance or lift weights, do that. Anything to get you moving. This will improve your mood quickly, give you a much needed daily break from home life and help you build muscles that keep you strong and fit. And while you’re at it you can stop eating the kid’s leftovers and give yourself a good nutritious meal to eat and get as much sleep as you can. These are the small things you can do that will make a huge difference in how you feel inside and out.

4. Accept The Reality Of Motherhood

Accept The Reality Of Motherhood

Image: IStock

It’s time to embrace the chaos and stop trying to keep the house spik and span every second of every day. It’s just not going to happen. Having kids is all about embracing the unexpected, be it, random colds, messy kitchen countertops or surprisingly humiliating and humbling moments. But it is also filled with joy, tenderness, laughter and learning. Everything in life, even motherhood has a balance. So it’s time to accept that things will never go back to the way they were. You and your family will just find a new normal that is ever evolving as they continue to grow. And although messy at times, it will be filled with adventures and love.

Being a mother is probably the world’s hardest job, but we are hardest on ourselves. It’s time to cut yourself some slack and make a few resolutions just for you. We hope that you learn to look after yourself for you and your kids this year!

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