9 Secret Ways To Prevent Pelvic Damage

The size of your baby versus the size of your birth canal – imagine how much you will have to push and how much it will have stretch to push a human through.

Studies hint at a relation between your pelvic health and how well and healthy you were eating before you got pregnant. Your pelvic region needs to be stable, and the musculature needs to support proper alignment of the pelvis and the birth canal. The better the alignment, the lesser the chances of damage during childbirth. The alignment also lowers the risk of incontinence, helps your baby move through the uterus faster and have a quicker recovery. However, your pelvic muscles should be strong, and also, supple to make childbirth easier and prevent the vaginal tears.

And, these tips will help you make your pelvic muscles strong. So, we suggest you watch what you eat, exercise a bit and, above all, steer well clear of pessimistic grannies:

In This Article

1. Eating Foods Rich In Sulfur

Did you know that sulfur makes your connective tissues more elastic and helps you recover faster from damage? Sulfur-rich foods include cauliflower, broccoli, onions, asparagus, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, and garlic. These foods contain a compound called MSM that makes your body more flexible, makes your hair/skin/nails healthy. In fact, MSM improves the elastic tissues and helps you push the baby out without causing much damage to your vagina. It might be a good idea to have three servings of any of these sulfur rich foods in a day.

2. Eat an Anti-Inflammatory Diet

Processed foods are no good for your vagina. They are inflammatory in nature and don’t offer any nourishment. So, don’t have too much sugar, white flour, and other processed foods. Vitamin C helps repair the tissues faster. And, you should consider eating healthy fats to strengthen the cells and keep them lubricated and supple, while maintaining the balance of hormones.

3. Kegels

Doing Kegel Exercises is not a thick or awkward thing to do. Simply because you don’t see other women doing them, doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t either. Who knows – they might be doing it at home already, and keeping mum about it. Kegel Exercises are crucial for strengthening your pelvic floor muscle. This muscle facilitates childbirth and also preserves your vaginal and pelvic health. Moreover, Kegel Exercises also help prevent incontinence after childbirth.

4. Squats

Gluteus muscles – all you need to do is some squats to strengthen them. And remember, they are very important during pregnancy and childbirth primarily because your uterus that grows through the advanced stages of pregnancy is supported by gluteus muscles. Doing squats helps to align your pelvis properly and minimize stress caused by a change in weight distribution. You need to remember that squats are not Kegel Exercises – not the pelvic floor exercises – as most people confuse them to be. Squats and Kegel Exercises must go hand in hand to strike the balance for an easy childbirth.

5. Pelvic Tilts

This is one of the best ways to prepare your body for labor and delivery. Get down on all fours, and tilt your pelvis from a neutral to an anterior position and then go back. You will raise your posterior and then arch the lower back a bit. This is an effective way of strengthening your abs, relieving low back strain and improving your posture.

6. Birthing Ball

Sitting on the floor on a birthing ball is a good way to help you align the pelvis. The ball supports your growing belly without causing pain and opens the hips. Using the birthing ball makes a difference rather quickly.

7. Be On The Go

Don’t allow yourself to be sedentary under any event. Walking, biking, yoga, or swimming, are good options. But, if you can’t take to these exercises, then it’s important to keeping moving in general. Your joints must also be set into motion. Although, the pelvis is immovable, but being on the move will help lubricate the pelvic joints and improve circulation around them. Honestly, it’s not the pelvis, but the muscles that need the stamina during labor. But, lubricating the immovable joints isn’t a bad idea.

8. Staying Hydrated

Your vagina will have more resilience if you drink enough water. Just think about how water helps cells perform their functions, help metabolize and condition the cells and conduct nerve impulses.

9. Take To Pregnancy Spas

Go for a perineal massage. Take warm baths with essential oils. Coconut oil is anti-bacterial; it could be the perfect ingredient.

There are other techniques like hypnobirthing and Bradley’s method that have worked for many. You might want to give it a go.

If you are unsure about these ideas, consult your doctor for the best support.

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