6 Signs Your Water Is Breaking During Pregnancy

We all know about that crucial point in the movie when the pregnant woman’s water breaks. It’s dramatic, obvious and overwhelming. But just like everything in the movies, it’s nothing like the real deal. In reality, your water breaking may not be as noticeable. Sure, some people feel a gushing of liquid but others can’t really differentiate between their water breaking and regular vaginal discharge. So how do you really know if your water broke? If your due date is fast approaching and you need this question answered, then we’ve got you covered. Here’s what your water breaking will feel like and what to do when it happens.

In This Article

1. The Leaking Is Uncontrollable

The Leaking Is Uncontrollable

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This is the most evident sign that your water has broken. When your water breaks you may feel a sudden gush of clear fluids or maybe it’s a slow and steady trickle. The amount of amniotic fluid depends on if you simply have a small tear or a rupture in the amniotic sac that holds all the fluid (1). The place of the rupture is also equally as important. For example if it happens right below the baby’s head, then all the fluid that has been collecting there will be let out. Whereas, if the rupture occurs higher in the womb, the fluid will need to slowly trickle down the sac and uterine lining, which means the flow won’t be as heavy (2). The one commonality in both of these cases is that the leaking of the liquid can’t be controlled. And it will only stop until all the liquid in the amniotic sac is emptied out.

2. The Fluid Is Clear And Odorless

Another reason why it may be hard to detect if your water has broken is because the amniotic fluid is usually clear and odorless. Although some people state that it has a faint chlorine like smell. And it is usually clear or a pale pink due to a few streaks of blood (3).

3. You Feel Some Painless Pressure Or A Popping Sensation

You Feel Some Painless Pressure Or A Popping Sensation

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Contrary to popular belief, your water breaking will not be painful. However, you may feel some slight pressure when it happens. You can also hear a popping noise followed by a gush of liquid if it’s a big rupture. But either way, this process is not painful. But the frequency of your contractions can increase soon after your water breaks and they may be more intense, leading to some pain and discomfort (4).

4. It May Feel Like Leaking Urine

Urinary inconsistency is something that women may experience during their third trimester of pregnancy. And this is caused because of the stress that the pregnancy has on the bladder (5). And since your water breaking can feel much like it, most women ignore these symptoms until the water does not stop flowing. If this happens to you, go to a washroom so that you can differentiate between the two. Remember, urine is usually yellowish in color and smells like ammonia whereas amniotic fluids are clear and odorless. If you still can’t tell the difference or don’t have a bathroom you can use, sit down for several minutes and then stand up. If you can still feel fluid trickling down then it’s safe to say that your water has broken.

5. The Liquid Is Not Sticky And Thick Like Discharge

The Liquid Is Not Sticky And Thick Like Discharge

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Pregnant women also sometimes mistake the rupturing of the membrane for regular vaginal discharge as the latter can increase in volume during pregnancy (6). But, in reality they couldn’t be more different. While it is true that amniotic fluids and vaginal discharge are odorless, the former is not as sticky and thick as the latter. They also look different. Discharge is milky white or clear like mucus whereas amniotic fluid is very thin and water in consistency and coloring.

6. Your Water Breaking Is Not The Same As Losing Your Mucus Plug

Your Water Breaking Is Not THe Same As Losing Your Mucus Plug

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Yes it may sound gross, but there is such a thing as the mucus plug. And it too is a sign that the labor is fast approaching. But it is not the same as your water breaking. The mucus plug looks like a big chunk of yellowish-white liquid that is either gelantious or mucus-like in consistency (7). And this can also be tinged with blood. However, this fluid does not flow uncontrollably so it may be easier to differentiate between the two.

We’re sure that you are anxious and excited to have your water break so that you can finally deliver your little miracle. But there is no need to worry. Now that you know what to expect and how to recognise water breaking, you’ll be cool as a cucumber when it does happen!

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