6 Signs You Are A Good Parent, Even If You Don’t Know It

All parents try to be good parents to their children. Some parents are stricter than others and all parents have different parenting styles they subscribe to. But whatever the case may be, parenting is a demanding and oftentimes difficult job. Most parents feel pressure from society, family members and friends to always do or say the right thing. The failure of which can lead to feelings of shame, guilt and thinking you’re a “bad” parent. But is this really true? Here are 6 signs that indicate that you are killing the game and being a good parent to your kids!

In This Article

1. Your Children Open Up and Share Their Problems With You

Your Children Open Up and Share Their Problems With You

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All parents feel proud when their children share their achievements and successes with them. But the moment you must be more proud of is when they are comfortable with being vulnerable and sharing their losses with you. One way you know you’re a good parent is if your kid comes to you with their problems. Because this essentially means that they trust you with them. They see you as someone who will listen to them and support them. If you make your child feel safe and help them understand that it’s okay to make mistakes as long as they are willing to learn from them, you’re doing a great job!

2. You Don’t Think Good Grades Are ALL That Matter

You Don’t Think Good Grades Are ALL That Matter

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Yes academic success is important but it isn’t the only important thing in life and good parents know it! If your child has got a bad or average score on a test, they shouldn’t be afraid to tell you. Scared children often panic when they get their grades and need to tell their parents. This can lead to them hiding things from them or simply lying to them. Good parents explain to their children that it is important to do good in school but it’s the knowledge that really matters, not the grades. Sometimes kids just need a pressure free environment in order to excel.

3. Everyone’s Private Space Is Respected

Parents often teach their children to knock before they come into their rooms but have no problem barging into their child’s room unannounced. How is that fair? Now most parents will say that they don’t need to because their kids are small, but this is the best time to teach by example. One way to make sure that your little one follows rules is to ensure that everyone else in the family follows them too. Respect your child’s private space and they will learn to do the same for you. This way the next time you need a moment to yourself, your child won’t follow you around like a shadow. You can just ask for your space and they will know to leave you alone.

4. You Admit When You’ve Made A Mistake

You Admit When You’ve Made A Mistake

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Everyone makes mistakes occasionally and parents are not exempt from this universal truth. Sometimes, no matter how hard you try, you just mess up. Maybe you said something hurtful unintentionally or lost your cool and yelled at the kids, whatever the case may be, saying sorry helps. Parents forget that in order to teach their kids how to apologize they first have to show them how. So the next time you feel like you’ve been unfair or mean, put your ego aside and apologize to your child. Good parents know that their children will only respect them more for being real and open with them. And remember, a person who can admit to their weaknesses is a strong person!

5. You Trust Your Child’s Word

Standing up for your kids is extremely important. If your child is open and honest with you, you have no reason to doubt their word. When you’re in a situation where the teacher says your child has been misbehaving, ask your child about their perspective before you start yelling at them. You may find that it was a misunderstanding or that your child is stuck in a situation that requires your help. Trust your child when they are trying to tell you their version of a situation. It will help them feel safe and protected and will help them trust you more.

6. You Don’t Criticize The Kids

You Don’t Criticize The Kids

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Good parents don’t use harsh words with their children. Criticizing the kids unwantedly and using strong language will do nothing but lower their self confidence and self esteem. All people respond better to praise than they do to criticism, In fact, no one responds to criticism positively, not even you. So don’t report to calling your child fat, lazy or stupid. It will make them insecure and cause issues that last a very long time. Instead, be encouraging. Tell them what they did wrong and why you are disappointed with them. But also tell them how they can improve and that you see potential in them to do so. This will give them the boost they need to do better!

Parents, it’s time to cut yourselves some slack. You’re doing better than you give yourself credit for. So take a deep breath and let go of all that tension. You’re doing amazing sweetie. Happy parenting!

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