6 Signs That Your Baby Is In Pain And Not Being Fussy

Parenthood can be challenging. It doesn’t matter if you are a first time parent or on your fourth child, each baby is different and each one poses different characteristics. One scenario that leaves all parents frustrated is trying to figure out when their baby is really having a crisis or being cranky pants. Babies are fussy, especially for the first few months and crying is their way of communicating with you, so be ready for false alarms. You might find yourself making countless trips to the pediatrician because your baby has let out a whimper. Most new parents are paranoid about their newborn as they are so small and fragile. Eventually they learn that not every cry deserves a trip to the pediatrician. But how can you tell when they are really in pain and need your help? No parent wants to feel helpless on finding out that they ignored signs of discomfort because their baby was just throwing a fit. It would be a relief to differentiate one from another. Simply trusting your instinct may not be enough to figure this puzzle out.

So here are 6 signs that your baby is actually experiencing pain:

In This Article

1. Extremely Sensitive Ears

Extremely Sensitive Ears

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Sometimes your baby may be in pain due to an ear infection. Are they constantly clutching their ears? If your baby becomes more irritated when they are lying down and has a fever above 102 and is tugging at their ears, it is best to take them for an ear check up. Your baby may also stop responding to sounds around them like they usually do. Maybe they don’t register noise as much, maybe they find even the softest noise unbearable. Whatever the case may be, take them to the doctor.

2. Sudden Tremors And Shaking

All babies fidget of course but this kind of shaking is different. Parents are often told to write off a cold or cough as some newborns experience seasonal allergies and this is normal. But if your baby suffers from long coughing spasms and wont stop shaking, this may be a seizure. Babies are susceptible to getting a small dust particle or mucus stuck in their throats which can irritate them. This causes tremors, spasms and sometimes seizures. So it is important to be observant as your child cannot communicate yet.

3. Movements And Facial Expressions

Movements And Facial Expressions

Image: Shutterstock

Looking out for subtle movements that your baby does will help you figure out if they are in pain. Is your baby grimacing? This is a clear sign that your baby is uncomfortable. If your baby opens their mouth a lot, has deep lines around their nose and mouth or wrinkle their eyebrows and shut their eyes, they may be in pain.

4. Lack Of Appetite And Sleep

Lack Of Appetite And Sleep

Image: Shutterstock

Babies feed every couple of hours in order to develop well. They usually have a great appetite in order to consume enough food to grow and stay healthy. Which means that a lack of appetite is a clear indicator that they are anything but healthy. Your baby might have a stomach bug or may be experiencing discomfort in their digestive system which makes it impossible to keep their food down. Your baby will also be hard to put to sleep if they are in pain. If they are being fussier than usual and tossing and turning, they could have injured their back by accidently bumping into something. Having a look won’t hurt!

5. They Scrunch Up

They Scrunch Up

Image: Shutterstock

Although colic pains and gas pains are usually experienced by babies, they are short-lived. If your baby pulls up their leg and scrunches their fits up tightly, they may be in pain. These are signs that your baby is experiencing stomach pain and is uncomfortable. They could be constipated due to new dietary changes. Try adding in one new ingredient at a time and don’t rush your baby into switching from breastmilk or formula to solid foods. They have a very sensitive digestive system that can get upset easily. Consult your doctor if your baby is still experiencing pain even after switching them back to their usual diet.

6. Too Stiff Or Too Limp

If your baby’s entire body is tense and they are rigid, that’s a problem. But if they are way too limp and wont react to any external stimuli, that’s a problem too. Stillness throughout the body and excess flailing and squirming are signs that your little one is ill especially if they are newborns. Your baby will tire quickly and go still. If this is the case, make a trip to your pediatrician or ER.

Babies are a lot of work and looking after them can be stressful and overwhelming. Try not to beat yourself up and think with an open mind. You are doing the best you can. Simply being observant and keeping these signs in mind will help you recognize when your baby needs help the next time around.

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