Using The Chair Method Of Sleep Training To Get Your Baby To Sleep

Putting your baby to sleep is not an easy task. Most babies take a while to fall asleep, and it can be quite taxing on the parents. A new mother needs rest, and it does not happen when your infant refuses to fall asleep. A father might pitch in and take turns to put his baby to sleep, but he ends up getting tired and exhausted, trying to get them to remain sleeping if they are poor sleepers.

Most parents take turns when they are rocking their baby to sleep because it can be tiring if only one parent focuses on the infant. It is crucial to sleep train your baby right from the beginning to allow them to sleep easily. If you’re confused about what method to use while sleep training your baby, you might want to try the chair method of sleep training. It might benefit you and your baby and be the best-suited method for both of you.

In This Article

What Is The Chair Method Of Sleep Training?

What Is The Chair Method Of Sleep Training

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If you’re a new parent, you probably have no idea what this means. The chair method of sleeping technique is one where you refuse to pick up your baby when they start to cry after they’ve been put into their crib.

It involves putting your baby in their crib and sitting on a chair right next to the crib. You move the chair away from the crib and towards the door slowly and gradually until the chair is out of the room. The important thing to remember is that you do not pick up your baby if they start to cry, but you can gently comfort and soothe them.

Most babies are ready to start sleep training a few months after they are born. Some parents follow the cry it out method where they do not attend to their crying baby. This is extremely hard to do for parents as well, and they believe that the chair method is a better alternative because it allows you to stay close to your baby and comfort them when needed.

Does The Chair Method Work?

Does The Chair Method Work

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Some babies recognize that you are close by and do not cry when they wake up. They might fuss a little bit but will eventually fall back asleep. However, some babies might cry when they wake up and see you around because they want to be picked up. As much as you are tempted to carry them and hold them in your arms, it is best to verbally soothe them or pat them while they slowly stop crying. If you can tolerate a few tears, the chair method will show more results.

How Do You Do It?

How Do You Do It

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The chair method of sleeping is a gentle and gradual process that involves patience, time, consistency, and dedication. Here are a few steps that you could follow:

  1. Follow your usual tuck in method, which includes feeding, singing a lullaby, swaying them to sleep, and cuddling.
  1. Place a chair close to your baby’s crib, so they know you’re around.
  1. Put your baby in the crib when she is still drowsy and not fully asleep. It will give her the practice to fall asleep on her own.
  1. Offer reassurance until she is fully asleep. You could hum, gently pat or rub your baby’s head while he/she falls asleep.
  1. If your baby fusses before falling asleep, gently talk to your little one and let them it’s time for bed. Commonly, babies don’t settle down immediately when they are put into the crib.
  1. Repeat the process and gradually move the chair away from the crib and towards the door.
  1. Do this until you are out of the room and then stay in the hall and listen to your baby. If she needs to be comforted, you should be able to soothe her verbally.

Most parents might agree that this is a better technique than the “cry it out” method of training your baby. It assures you and your baby comfort, and both of you can get used to it. What techniques do you use to put your baby to sleep? Comment below and let us know.

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