5 Reasons You Should Stop Asking Women When They’re Going To Get Pregnant And Start A Family

We really do live in a man’s world. As much as things have changed for women over the years, we still have a long way to go to stop being judged and criticized for the choices we make. As soon as a woman reaches her 20s, everyone around her asks her when she is getting married and “settling down”. If she is married, the next immediate question is when she plans to get pregnant and “start a family”. What if she has a different plan for her future? Why doesn’t anyone care about that? People are busy defining a woman’s future for her, and it’s time that stops. It’s the year 2021 but probing into women’s lives is something society still thinks they can do. So, maybe this is the year it stops. Why? Here are 5 great reasons:

In This Article

1. It Is None Of Your Business

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People love to butt into other’s lives like they have the right to. Men face such issues, too, but with women, it’s never-ending. What they wear, how they speak, what they do and don’t do are things society comments on with judgment. It’s 2021, and people still think it’s okay to comment on what women have to do with their bodies. We are educated and hold equal rights in society and will no longer be silent when people give us their unnecessary opinions. What someone does with their body is none of your business, so you better stay out of it.

2. That’s Not The Only Purpose Of A Woman

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Society believes that a woman’s sole purpose is to produce kids. So, as soon as a married woman hits her 20s, she is bombarded with questions about the next step. You might consider it just a friendly inquiry to ask a woman when she is giving the “good news”, but it’s a gross invasion of privacy, and it’s got to stop. Often, elders in the family advise the woman and tell her not to delay having kids because her “biological clock is ticking”.

3. She Might Have A Different Vision For Her Future

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Not every woman wants to have kids and experience motherhood. She might have a different plan for her future, and you have no right to interfere with her life. It’s completely alright for a woman not to want kids, and there is nothing wrong with that. Several women choose not to conform to the conventional idea of marriage that involves raising kids. Perhaps they want to travel, run a business, or pursue other dreams with their partner.

4. Her Career Is Her Baby

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In today’s day and age, women want more than just marriage and kids. They are well educated, independent, and ambitious about their future and sometimes choose to further their careers instead of giving it up for motherhood. It’s a woman’s personal choice, and there is nothing wrong with that except you poking your nose where it does not belong.

5. Issues Beyond Common Knowledge

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It is appalling to see how much society interferes with women’s decisions when they do not understand its crux. A woman who does not want to have kids is judged beyond measure. People fail to realize that there could be underlying issues like early childhood trauma, health, or financial instability that stops her from bringing a child into this world. Having a child is a huge responsibility, and only if a woman is ready to have one should she make that choice of being a mother.

These are just a few reasons why we, as a society, need to stop asking women questions that invade their privacy. It’s time we let them live their lives without being judged, criticized, and condemned for the choices they make. No one has the right to tell a woman how to live her life except herself, and it’s time we back off and set her free from the shackles of society. Do you agree? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.

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