Do’s And Don’ts Of Swaddling: A Guide For New Parents

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Your newborn has arrived, but sleep seems to have walked right out the door — for both you and your baby. No matter what you try, your baby barely sleeps at night. And then you see those countless images of babies wrapped in what seems to be a cocoon. These babies, when covered this way, usually seem to be happy and asleep. What you’ve seen is a technique known as swaddling. If you’ve tried all the tricks in the book to get your little one to sleep, and nothing has worked, then maybe it’s time to try swaddling.

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What Exactly Is Swaddling?

What Exactly Is Swaddling
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Swaddling is the technique of wrapping your baby with soft and cozy sheets to mimic the warmth and comfort of the womb. Swaddling has been around for thousands of years, and mothers across the world have been swaddling their babies to provide them a sense of comfort. This technique also helps the infant fall asleep much better.

In most cases, a muslin cloth or a light cotton cloth is used for swaddling infants. However, these days, you will find swaddle sleep sacks in stores. These are ready-made, adjustable swaddling sacks that are easy to use.

The Do’s Of Swaddling

The Do’s Of Swaddling
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There are a few things you must keep in mind while swaddling your child in order to avoid any mishaps. Scroll below to find out what they are:

  1. Wash your hands before you start swaddling your child. A newborn baby’s immunity is usually low, so it is essential to maintain hygiene to prevent infection. Similarly, use a clean, freshly washed sheet to swaddle your child.
  1. Make sure you are swaddling your child the right way. If you are swaddling your child, it is advisable to make them sleep on their back. This can significantly reduce the chances of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (1).
  1. Leave enough space for your child to breathe easily inside the swaddling wraps. The ideal space that you must leave between the chest and swaddling cloth is around two inches.
  1. Be smart about the cloth that you choose to wrap your baby with. It is best to use a sheet that is light and airy. This way, it will not get too hot for your little one.
  1. Make sure you always have an eye out on your child in case they experience some discomfort. You also need to constantly monitor your baby to make sure they have not rolled over.

The Don’ts Of Swaddling

The Don’ts Of Swaddling
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Image: Shutterstock

Now that we’ve discussed the do’s of swaddling let’s dive into the don’ts. It is essential to follow these guidelines to not risk the health of your child:

  1. Do not swaddle your child immediately after food. Yes, children pretty much follow the eat-sleep-repeat cycle, but it is essential to leave some space between your baby’s eat and sleep time. If your child has just eaten, try to make them burp before swaddling.
  1. Do not swaddle your baby too tightly. The whole idea of swaddling your child is to mimic the warmth of the womb and ensure sound sleep. However, if you wrap your child too tightly, it can lead to discomfort. In worst-case situations, it can also lead to problems with development and hip dysplasia (2).
  1. Don’t cover your baby’s neck and face as well. You only have to swaddle the child from the chest to the feet.
  1. Try not to swaddle your child too loosely, either. This might be dangerous. There are chances of your child messing with the sheets and getting suffocated — make sure the wraps are fastened comfortably and not too loose (3).

For ages, it has been observed that swaddling can help your baby sleep better. The noise and activity around the child can be startling and a sharp contrast to the comfort of the womb. Have you noticed that babies get startled easily? When you swaddle a child, you create pressure around the child, similar to the womb. The warmth, too, makes the child feel safe and secure. Do you swaddle your child too? Tell us if this has worked for your little one in the comments below!

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