Moms, These Are The Totally Realistic Resolutions For 2021 We Need

New Year’s resolutions may sound like such a cliché, but as we ring in this new year, we get to reset the time on the clock and start this year fresh. The year 2020 has been challenging, to say the least. But it has also taught us a lot of things. So, if you’re looking for some inspirational new year resolutions that will help you power through this year with more positivity and zest for life, you’ve come to the right place. Scroll down below for ten totally realistic resolutions for 2021.

In This Article

10. Embrace Your Imperfections

Embrace Your Imperfections

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You are beautiful just the way you are. While it may not be easy to love your stretch marks and your saggy breasts, you can certainly learn to accept them. The key is to take baby steps. Nobody ever loved their body overnight. It’s an ongoing process, and it’s natural to feel insecure about your imperfections every once in a while. But don’t let it stop you from being happy or living your life.

9. Change Your Outfit

Change Your Outfit

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You may question this decision. After all, why do you have to dress up if you’re going to be sitting at home all day long? Believe it or not, dressing up for work may actually elevate your mood. So, the next time you sit in front of your laptop for a meeting, don’t shy away from wearing your favorite blazer and a bit of lip gloss. It doesn’t always have to be pajamas and messy buns.

8. Go Out!

Go Out

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We are still fighting a pandemic, so taking a vacation might not be safe for you and your loved ones. But you can still explore the outdoors by going for a walk or hiking to a nearby location. Just be sure to practice social distancing rules and maintain hygiene. Also, make sure you avoid any crowded places.

7. Don’t Be Hard On Yourself

Don't Be Hard On Yourself

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Be kind to yourself. If you haven’t achieved all your goals this past year, remind yourself that you were too busy fighting a pandemic. And it hasn’t stopped even now. So, don’t be too hard on yourself if you were feeling too low to have a productive day, week, or even a month. Give yourself a break. Do what makes you happy — even if it means that it’s going to be a while before you achieve all your goals.

6. Shower More Often

Shower More Often

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If your busy schedule has been keeping you from taking a bath regularly, we completely understand. But if showering is the only ‘me time’ you get, don’t rob yourself of it. Find time to take a long relaxing bath every day. Prepare a daily schedule beforehand so that you can easily squeeze in some bath time without worrying about all the chores you have to get to later.

5. Focus On You

Focus On You

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As a mom, you might find it extremely hard to find time for yourself. But it’s essential to prioritize yourself when it comes to your health and wellbeing. So, make sure to eat healthy, get enough rest, and workout to stay physically active. If you’re somebody who struggles to find time to cook healthy meals, you can look up some healthy and easy meal prep ideas online and create your own recipe book that works for you and your family.

4. Create Your Own Bedtime Routine

Create Your Own Bedtime Routine

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Sleeping early is another thing most of us struggle with. Between asking your kids to brush their teeth and put on their jammies and making sure they stay in bed, nighttime can be stressful for moms. And if the night is the only time you get to yourself after your little ones are tucked in bed, we tend to stay up late at night and sacrifice our sleep. A good bedtime routine can be relaxing and will help your mind and body prepare for bed. You could start by taking a warm bath followed by your skincare regimen and then lie on the bed with a good book. It’s best to avoid using any electronic devices during this time as it could keep you up for a long time.

3. Find A Good Therapist

Find A Good Therapist

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Many of us struggle with anxiety, OCD, or anger issues. But how many of us actually address the problem and consult a therapist? Instead of trying to treat the issue yourself, finding a therapist can do you good.

2. Find A Hobby

Find A Hobby

Image: Shutterstock

Finding a hobby can help you take some time from your busy mom schedule just for yourself. It helps declutter your mind and take a break from day-to-day stress. You could learn new things, get crafty, start reading books, and explore new music — the options are endless.

1. Extend Unending Family Time

Extend Unending Family Time

Image: Shutterstock

Why keep your kids glued to screens when you could play carroms, charades, or Genga and have a fun family time? To keep this tradition going, make sure you pick games that your whole family will enjoy.

We hope you found our list of New Year’s resolutions helpful. What are some of the New Year’s resolutions that you intend to follow through this year? Comment below and let us know.

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