The 13 Most Surprising Facts About Unborn Babies

Unborn babies are full of mysteries. For example, the way they develop in the womb is no less than a magical process. However, anyone can see how a baby grows inside a womb with the help of scientific advancements in today’s world. And it’s not even limited to your baby kicking you from the inside. Similarly, several other facts might come to you as a surprise.

This fun article will take you through some weird yet interesting facts about unborn babies.

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1. They Consume Their Urine

They Consume Their Urine

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Babies urinate when in the womb. They similarly swallow amniotic fluid. Thus, when all is considered, they are consuming their pee. It isn’t gross as they are only drinking a sterile liquid.

2. They Are Hairy

A fragile coating of hair known as lanugo covers a fetus’s entire body, including its face, making it a mustache (1). Other species, including elephants, whales, and seals, have the same hair type.

3. They Have 300 Bones

Do you occasionally feel a fist or your baby’s feet poke you? All of your baby’s bones are to thank you. Newborn babies are born with 270 bones which is 30% more than adults. In addition, some bones are formed of cartilage rather than actual bones, which ultimately fuses to create 206 bones (2).

4. They Have More Bones But No Kneecaps

They Have More Bones But No Kneecaps

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It makes sense to assume that your unborn baby has an excess of skeletal material, given that it has 300 bones. Babies are not born with kneecaps. They are born with cartilage instead of bones, which grow into kneecaps (3).

5. They Can Cry In The Womb

According to some studies, an unborn baby may show signs of crying around the 28-week mark despite the lack of available data on the topic (4). However, do not expect continuous or loud crying if an unborn baby does cry while in the womb. Instead, it will likely be more muted than its later, louder cries.

6. They Can Taste Food From The Inside

They Can Taste Food From The Inside

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Amniotic fluid can allow flavors like garlic to pass through, allowing the baby to “taste” them. For example, in research, pregnant women who consumed large amounts of carrot juice had offspring who were significantly likely to acquire a taste for it (5).

7. Their Heart Beats Very Fast

After five to six weeks, a baby’s heart begins to beat, slightly larger than the tip of a pin. The heart rate is between 110 and 160 times per minute, and it takes around 10 weeks to develop fully (6). It’s fascinating that female fetuses’ hearts beat faster than male fetuses’ hearts as pregnancy progresses.

8. They Have Fingerprints Too

Your baby’s adorable little fingertips may have fingerprints by the midpoint of your pregnancy. Fingerprints are typically established between weeks 20 and 24 (7). In addition, your baby’s feet will start to develop the ridges and arcs that will eventually build their footprints at about the same time.

9. They Get Hiccups

They Get Hiccups

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Yes, it’s not always the kicking, but babies get hiccups, which feel like little, repetitive, jerking motions. They could first be difficult to tell apart from your baby’s moves. Pregnant women frequently experience baby hiccups simultaneously with other fetal movements, usually around 4-6 months.

10. They Hate Loud Sounds

The fetus’ ears begin to develop around 18 weeks following fertilization, at which point it may be able to sense sounds outside. The fetus might be able to turn whenever it hears a noise by the time it is 24 weeks old. While occasionally hearing loud noises, such as music or sirens, is acceptable, continuously being introduced to them can be hazardous. To ensure that their unborn child’s hearing is healthy, pregnant mothers should limit their exposure to noise to below 115 decibels.

11. They Yawn As Well

Doctors have observed fetuses opening their mouths during ultrasounds, like how grownups yawn. At 24 weeks, this activity can be seen for the first time, but by the 36th week, it appears to have vanished entirely.

12. They Can Dream

They Can Dream

Image: Shutterstock

Sleeping in babies begins four weeks after fertilization. Furthermore, researchers observed around 30 weeks following conception, the REM sleep patterns linked to dream-related eye movements. Therefore, your child may be dreaming a little.

13. They Can Smell

A baby will probably be able to smell anything unpleasant if you can. According to estimates, your kid can smell the same stuff as you starting about 28 weeks. When things get steamy, babies at this time might be seen frowning and wriggling around.

Knowing what’s happening with your baby inside the womb can help you make better decisions. Additionally, it can strengthen the bond you share with your child. Hopefully, these facts surprised you enough to get them shared straightaway with your beloved friends. Do let us know if you have got some more fun facts to share in the comment section below. Happy parenting!

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Dushyant Tripathi
Dushyant Tripathi
Dushyant has a keen interest in writing about parenting and women's healthcare. He believes that knowledge about childcare and children's health should be available to every parent to enhance their overall quality of life