The Subtle Art Of Teaching Your Kids How To Be Independent

Kids who ooze out confidence have very different personalities from others. They perform tasks more responsibly, make better decisions and care for themselves better than anyone else. However, making a kid independent is not as straightforward as teaching them basic mathematical concepts. Parents need to do it in a very informal yet effective way, so kids can learn this essential skill without feeling pressured.

Here in this article, we’ll shed some light on easy-peasy ways of helping your kid become more independent.

In This Article

1. Let Them Lead You Back To The Car Or The House

Let Them Lead You Back To The Car Or The House

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You can make your kid a born leader by playing dumb in front of them. For example, let your kid lead the way to the car or your house every time you leave the house to help them learn how to navigate and remember things. One can also do this when trekking, fishing, or buying groceries. It can also assist kids in increasing their confidence and self-esteem.

2. Make Them Learn Their Introduction

Make Them Learn Their Introduction

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Wouldn’t it be fun if your little one knew how to introduce themselves in front of anyone without hesitation? This little knowledge can help a kid have good communication skills, zero public speaking fear, and a very dynamic personality. Also, knowing that several students and kids struggle with their names has become a significant personality growth issue. So making your kids well-versed with their names is pretty wise before they start schooling. You can also make them learn their age, family name, and address to make them more comfortable and prepared for public speaking.

3. Make Your Home Setting Accessible To Them

Make Your Home Setting Accessible To Them

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The more your house is well designed for your kids, the more it will make them do regular tasks themselves without relying primarily on you. For example, it might be a good idea to put your towels, forks, glasses, or shoes wherever they can access them if you wish your kid to do activities independently.

4. Don’t Annoy Or Poke Them To Complete A Task

Don’t Annoy Or Poke Them To Complete A Task

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Everyone gets annoyed when they’re told to do something again and again. Older people might get used to reacting appropriately to those instructions, but this doesn’t apply to kids. If you bug them, you risk increasing their dependency on you. This can set off their mood and make them even more procrastinate. Avoid using phrases like “Don’t forget to do the chores if you want more playtime.” By repeating this, your child will get familiar with you, telling them rather than developing a method of remembering on their own. Once you’ve attempted to give instructions, allow your child the opportunity to demonstrate independence.

5. Let Them Make Decisions

Let Them Make Decisions

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The more authoritative your kids become, the better their personalities will build over time. If you let your kids make simple lifestyle changes and decisions, they’ll surely benefit from it. For example, ask your kid how large of a packet they want if they want chips in various sizes. Of course, they might decide on the larger one and feel proud of themselves. But they will gain freedom and confidence by doing this.

Similarly, you can also let them make decisions for their clothing style. It’s crucial to treat kids as grownups even while they’re young. They can understand money’s importance by making judgments and learning about bank cards and budgets.

6. Make Them Learn About Self-Entertainment

Make Them Learn About Self-Entertainment

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You cannot always be available to play with your kid. So, sooner or later, you’ll have to make them understand the importance of self-entertainment. Of course, you can make your little-one play with their toys alone for a short period in the beginning. But they’ll soon start enjoying their time and discover many fun things on their own. There are several strategies to teach your kid solo play if you’re unsure how. For example, they can accompany you in the kitchen while you prepare dinner to start. Give them some bowls to play with. You can also offer them a nutritious snack if nothing else seems to work.

7. Ask Them To Bring Groceries

Ask Them To Bring Groceries

Image: Shutterstock

Standing in front of the cash counter with your parents gone from the queue was the biggest fear of everyone’s life as a kid. Similarly, for your kids, it’s the best way to make them feel confident and independent in public interactions. For example, you can ask them to bring a minimal amount of groceries from nearby stores on their own. This way, they’ll be highly dependent on themselves and make better choices and wiser decisions. And if they get tricked by the shopkeeper, you can always teach them the best approach, so they won’t shy away from doing it again.

Slow and steady wins the race; these techniques will help your child gain confidence and behave independently. In the comment section below, let us know if you have some more easy and subtle ways of teaching your child to become independent.

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