11 Things Every Pregnant Person Has Secretly Done

There comes a day in every pregnant woman’s life when she does something she is not proud of. But nonetheless, we can’t stop ourselves from doing it either. Right, ladies? Carrying a tiny human is no mean feat. So, cut us some slack if we act a little crazy or accept a stranger’s request on carrying the groceries for us. In this article, we list down 11 things every pregnant person has done.

In This Article

1. ‘I’m Not A B***ch, It’s Just My Hormones!’

'I'm Not A Bch, It's Just My Hormones!'

Image: Shutterstock

I swear I am a nice person. But if I ever get pissed off at you or start ranting or throwing things at you, believe me, it’s the hormones.

How many times have we blamed our hormones for our morally unsound behavior?

2. Kept Your Hand On Your Belly To Let People Know You Are Not Fat, Just Pregnant


Whenever you saw someone give you a second glance, you know it’s time to keep that hand on your belly. And even give it a gentle rub if you will. You don’t want anyone to think that belly has always been there.

3. Peed In Your Pants


Any pregnant woman who says they have never peed in their pants is probably lying. Truth be told, they might have even started carrying an extra pair of underwear or started wearing pantyliner. Nobody wants to be caught off guard and wet themselves every time someone cracks a joke.

4. Cried Alone In The Bathroom

Cried Alone In The Bathroom

Image: Shutterstock

Pregnancy gives you multiple reasons to cry and self loathe. Your skin starts breaking out, you get stretch marks or it could also be because of an insensitive comment someone has made while you were at the grocery store. You become extremely sensitive and it also makes you realize how mean people can be.

5. Ate A Whole Tub Of Ice Cream

Ate A Whole Tub Of Ice Cream

Image: Shutterstock

Okay, this might not be the first time you have done that. We all have eaten a whole tub while we were PMSing. Seriously, can’t we ever catch a break from these hormones?

6. Talked To Your Belly Like A Person

Yes, it is weird. But we all have had a full-blown conversation with our baby bump at least once. Talking to your baby makes for a nice bonding experience (for the mom) and there’s nothing crazy about that.

7. Been So Constipated That You Were Afraid The Baby Might Come Out If You Pushed Any Harder


It’s been 5 days since you took a dump. And you are so constipated now that you are afraid that even a tiny little push is enough to make your baby pop out of your belly.

8. Took Advantage Of Your Pregnancy Status


We are all guilty of doing it. Using your pregnancy as an excuse to get things done for you is the oldest trick in the book. But hey, don’t we deserve a seat with our swollen ankles and huge belly?

9. ‘If You Fall, You Are Dead To Me’


How many times have you dropped something on the floor and refused to pick it up? Of course, it comes with practice. After the first few times, you realize there’s no point in wasting your precious time and energy by attempting to pick something that fell on the ground. You learn to move on.

10. Went To A Restaurant Alone To Order Multiple Things In The Menu


Don’t look at me like that. It’s the baby who is hungry. She is the one who wants five different kinds of pizza and a milkshake.

11. Left Your Jeans Unbuttoned The Whole Day


Who has time to go for maternity shopping! Instead of buying new pants, I have learned to walk around with my jeans unbuttoned and no one taking notice. This way I also get to save money.

Are there any more stuff that you would like to add to our list? Let us know in the comments below.

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