This Dad’s Trick To Calm A Crying Baby Has Taken The Internet By Storm!

It is midnight, you have cleared the messy living room, the dishes are done, and finally, you hit the bed. While mentally planning the next day you fall asleep, but, suddenly, your baby decides to cry on top of her voice! You try to calm her down but all your efforts are in vain. This is a very regular scene in a house where there is a baby. Putting a crying baby to sleep is one of the most difficult tasks, especially when you yourself are tired and want to sleep. At such times parents come up with various creative ideas as regular ways fail miserably.

One such creative dad is Daniel Eisenman. He is a motivational speaker by profession and has uploaded a video on his Facebook account to show his newfound trick. He immediately got viral-worthy hits on this video for the parents seem to just love it.

Credit: Daniel Eisenman: The Freedom Catalyst [Facebook]

The video shows Eisenman holding his daughter, Divina, in his arms and the baby starts crying. He just looks at her and starts chanting ‘Om’ and the baby stops crying immediately! She then slowly closes her eyes and falls asleep. While watching the video, one feels that the baby has gone into a trans-like state while listening to her dad’s steady chant of Om.

Eisenman has posted the video with a hashtag ‘HowToStopACryingBaby.’ And since its release, this video has gone viral over the internet and people are amazed by the effect of the chant on the baby.

Om is a sacred sound, which is chanted by many people while meditating or doing Yoga. It is a spiritual symbol recognized by many religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism. It comprises of A, U, and M – sounds that create vibrations in different parts of the body while being chanted.

The way his baby calms down within a few seconds is a little unbelievable and one tends to think that it might be a fluke. To banish any doubts, Eisenman made another video. This second video again shows how his daughter stops crying after listening to the sound of Om. The sound has a calming and soothing effect on her and she becomes silent.

Credit: Daniel Eisenman: The Freedom Catalyst [Facebook]

Daniel, later, shares that they played the sound of Om when Divina was in her mother’s womb. When someone jokingly commented on his video saying that his kid was a monk in her past life, he replied by saying that she was actually welcomed to this world amid Thai Buddhist chanting being played on YouTube.

Subsequently, many parents have tried this trick on their babies and they inform that it actually works! They have replied to him on the same site by sharing their experiences. One of them writes that his pediatrician says that the vibration of the ‘Om’ sound is similar to the mother’s heartbeat that the baby listens to in the womb, which may be the reason why babies find it familiar and stop crying. Sounds from a vacuum cleaner or any soft buzzing sounds, too, have a similar effect on a crying baby.

Looks like Daniel Eisenman seems to have mastered the art of soothing a crying baby. So, the next time your little one is giving you a hard time and crying for no reason, just use this trick and see the effect. This Om-ing has worked wonders for so many parents and might just work for you too. So, Om your baby into a peaceful and calm state!

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