This New Diaper Is Exactly What I Was Looking For!

I have been using disposable diapers for my daughter since day one. So, I have tried almost all the brands available in the market. From taped ones to pants, from extra absorption to extra comfortable, thin or soft, cute or basic – you name it and I have tried it. But trust me, I was never fully satisfied or content with one particular brand. Some provided an excellent fit, some provided an excellent absorption, some provided an excellent softness and some were cost effective, but I never came across a diaper which had all the qualities in one.

Until recently, when I finally got my hands on the New Pampers Premium Care Pants, and wow! I instantly fell in love with it. I have used Pampers’ diaper in the past, liked it too, but never loved it. No doubt it’s slightly higher priced as compared to other diapers in the market, but if I am getting all the excellent features I was looking for in one diaper itself, I won’t hesitate to pay more for it.

Now let’s see why I label this as the best diaper :

  1. Softness: It’s as soft as a cotton roll not only from the inside but also from the outside, around the belt and leg cuff area. I feel diapers should be as soft as the baby’s skin and this particular one fulfills my expectations. After all, their tagline speaks for them – #softestpampersever.
  1. Breathability: So, as I said, I have used all the brands till now. My major concern always remained as to how can I avoid my baby from getting diaper rashes. After a little research and study, I got to know rashes are caused due to dampness and no source of air reaching the skin. Good absorption should not be the only criteria, but breathability should also be looked into. This new diaper is breathable enough, not blocking the air to pass through the skin resulting in dry and soft, rash-free baby bum and skin. It’s also coated with aloe vera, which keeps the skin moisturized.
  1. Wetness Indicator: Being in a nuclear family means handling baby, home, family, work – all by myself. At times, I tend to forget as to when I last changed my daughter’s diaper. But this new wetness indicator works like a magic alarm, reminding you to change the diaper only when it’s the right time. So, how does it work? Simple, once the diaper reaches its maximum capacity to hold, the wetness indicator turns blue from yellow, and that’s how you know it’s time for a change.
  1. Disposable Tape: One of the most thoughtful features it comes with is the attached disposable tape. It’s so handy and easy to discard the soiled diaper without creating any mess. It works best when you are outside your home. Without much mess, simply fold the soiled diaper and tape it with the disposable tape attached at the back of the diaper and you are good to go.
  1. Superior Absorption: I am quite impressed with the absorption technique used. In normal diapers, once they are full, it feels heavy and bulky. But the new pampers premium have air channels which evenly distribute the pee all over leaving behind a dry, soft and light diaper even after it’s been worn for a long time. Once you remove the diaper to change, you won’t feel the diaper heavy as the air channels absorb it quickly. This offers the air to pass through the diaper resulting in soft, dry and rash-free baby skin.

Overall, I am quite impressed and happy with their new launch, and I am surely going to stick to it for a longer period. I am sure the New Pampers Premium Care Pants are going to be a hit among the moms!

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