Tips To Organize The Dresser For Your Second Child

Hey there, new parent! After your precious first baby has made their debut, you’re back on the rollercoaster of parenthood again. As a second-time mom, you’ve already had a taste of what it’s like, and you’re more than ready to tackle the challenges that come with caring for your new bundle of joy. One of the tasks on your list is organizing your baby’s dresser, and trust us, it’s something you’ll want to get right. So, here are some down-to-earth tips to help you organize your baby’s dresser like a pro. Read on!

In This Article

1. Clear Out The Clutter

First things first, let’s clear out the clutter. Babies grow so darn fast, and their itty-bitty clothes become too tight before you even realize it. Take a good, hard look at those onesies and tiny socks, and decide which ones you want to keep and which can find a new home. Donating or storing items that your baby has outgrown will make your life a whole lot easier when you’re trying to keep things tidy.

2. Sort Clothes By Size And Season

Now that you’ve done some decluttering, it’s time to sort out the remaining clothes. Sort them by size and season. Create separate sections in the dresser for each size range, like newborn, 3-6 months, and so on. And don’t forget to keep a separate section for different seasons. That way, you’ll always have weather-appropriate outfits at hand.

3. Dividers And Baskets Are Your Friends

Dividers And Baskets Are Your Friends

Image: Shutterstock

Dividers and baskets are like the secret weapons of dresser organization. They keep everything neat, and make it a breeze to grab what you need. Use dividers to keep socks, onesies, PJs, and other tiny items from getting mixed up. And for bigger stuff like blankets or burp cloths, pop them into baskets inside the dresser drawers. To take it up a notch, consider labeling them, so there’s no confusion about where things belong.

4. Keep The Essentials On Top

Being a seasoned parent, you know that some items are in high demand. Keep those baby-changing essentials right at the top of the dresser for easy access. Think diapers, wipes, a changing pad, and some baby lotion. Having them within arm’s reach will be a game-changer, especially during those late-night diaper changes.

5. Rotate The Clothing

It’s incredible how many cute outfits your baby receives as gifts, right? To make sure all those adorable clothes see the light of day, practice a little clothing rotation. Put the newer stuff towards the back of the drawer or underneath the older items. This way, you’ll use everything before your baby outgrows them. It’s also a fun way to rediscover those hidden gems.

6. Create A Labeling System

Create A Labeling System

Image: Shutterstock

Labeling is a mom’s best friend when it comes to keeping things in order. Stick labels on the dresser drawers or on the dividers. It’s not just for you but also for anyone who might lend a hand with diaper changes or outfit selection. Whether you go for simple labels or something colorful that matches your nursery’s theme, it’ll make your life easier.

7. Hang What You Can

Not everything needs to stay in those dresser drawers. Hang up the clothes that are easily hung, like dresses, jackets, or those special outfits that deserve the spotlight. A wall-mounted or freestanding baby clothing rack can be a charming addition to the nursery, and it makes it super easy to grab everyday or special-occasion outfits.

8. Make The Most Of Vertical Space

If your baby’s dresser has open shelves or a hutch, maximize that vertical space. Add clear bins or shelves to store items like baby shoes, toys, or extra blankets. This not only keeps everything within arm’s reach but also frees up precious drawer space for clothes.

9. Keep Things Updated

Keep Things Updated

Image: Shutterstock

As your baby grows, their clothing needs will evolve. What works for a baby might not work for a toddler. Be ready to adjust the organization system as your child’s needs change. This flexibility is a lifesaver.

10. Regular Maintenance Is Key

Organizing your baby’s dresser isn’t a one-time deal. Regular maintenance is crucial to keeping everything in order. Set aside a bit of time every few weeks to go through the dresser, removing outgrown clothes, restocking essentials, and ensuring everything remains neatly organized. Trust us, this will save you time and frustration down the road.

11. Make It A Visual Delight

Lastly, don’t forget to make your baby’s dresser visually appealing. Decorate it with cute drawer knobs, decals, or a color scheme that matches your nursery’s design. An organized and visually pleasing dresser adds a touch of joy and harmony to the nursery.

Organizing your baby’s dresser is a task seasoned parents can handle with ease. With these practical tips, you’ll be all set to welcome your second child into a nursery that’s organized and visually appealing, making each outfit selection a delightful adventure filled with love and laughter. Happy parenting!

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