Toddler Defiance: How To Take Care Of It The Right Way

Children grow up before you have time to realize it. One moment they are like a fragile petal who can’t lift up their own head, and the very next, they are a little T-rex biting everyone and screaming ‘No’ at everything you do. Ask any parent, and they will tell you how they dread the toddler phase. This is when your child is learning more about themselves and the world around them, making them try and push your buttons to test the limits. While it sounds like a typical day with a child, dealing with defiance might be hard to take from your sweet little child. So here are some ways to deal with your toddler and keep the disobedience streak minimal.

In This Article

1. Don’t Control Them

Dont Control Them

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Toddlers have just discovered their newfound independence, and the last thing they want is to be controlled by you. So let them make their own decisions, choose what they want, and help them be more responsible. The more they get ownership of things, the faster they learn.

2. Empower Them

Toddlers have found their newfound independence in holding a spoon and walking about on their own, and now they want to experience more. So, let them. Let them have some autonomy over their decisions, and even if you think it’s a bad idea until it is something dangerous, let them have their way.

3. Keep Calm

Keep Calm

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Being a parent of a toddler calls for meditation classes. If you are hot-headed, chances are your little one inherited that from you, and now your home is a complete battleground. To keep all the unwanted conflicts at bay, the best thing to do is let it go! (Not your child, your temper) And, heads up, your child knows which buttons to push to get you on your nerves, so you have to put your best to remain calm through everything. Inner peace!

4. Don’t Say No Always

Remember how annoying it felt when your toddler kept screaming no for everything? It feels the same when you say no to everything for them. So frame your sentences better, and don’t always disappoint your child by being negative. For example, if you don’t want them to play catch indoors, you can simply help them take the game outdoors, so it’s a win-win situation for both of you.

5. Don’t Win Always

Dont Win Always

Image: Shutterstock

Life with a toddler should not feel like a battle every day. It’s okay to let them win sometimes. So if they have a meltdown about not eating bananas, simply keep it away and let them have something else. But this shouldn’t become a habit, so make sure you do it occasionally and let them know it’s a treat for some good thing they did before.

6. Avoid Conflict

Avoiding any sticky conversation or fighting with your little one at this age is best, as it never bears fruitful results. This is when your child needs constant redirection and supervision as parenting tools. If you feel your child should not be playing with something, instead of asking them to keep it, simply give them something better and take the other out of their sight before they can understand what happened.

7. Set Rules

Set Rules

Image: Shutterstock

Toddlers actually like it when they know what the limits are. Even when they are testing your patience to check the limitations. So instead of screaming and punishing them, set limits in the form of a game. So it’s about how many candies they can eat, how long they can play, and how much tv time they get.

8. Take Time-Outs

Even the most docile toddler will be making you run out of energy levels. So if you are tired, it’s time to take a time-out. Always remember, overburdening yourself with baby work does not do anyone good. So it is perfectly fine to take a break and do what you want. You can take turns with your partner to watch over your toddler, so no one feels worked up and loses their calm with the little one.

You must respect the beautiful world your toddler lives in. Especially their perspective of time. If your toddler doesn’t spring up on seeing you at daycare and wants to finish painting, let them have their way. You can encourage them about the picture and even lend a hand in finishing it.

Parents don’t dread the toddler stage for nothing, and to be honest, it’s not easy going. The magical word ‘No’ that they have picked up from somewhere is now applied to everything, making your life much more challenging than it was. But also, if you are in for a challenge, it is in the phase of your child’s life you will actually miss. This is when they do the cute and naughty stuff, paint the house and blame it on the dog. Knowing what’s coming will help you prepare beforehand and act accordingly. So, would you like to add anything to this article? Let us know in the comments section!

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