Top Fruits And Veggies For A Pregnant Woman

Every boy and girl, man and woman (pregnant or not) should take care of himself or herself through a healthy diet. That being said, pregnant women must take extra care of themselves when it comes to their food intake because you have another tiny little human being who needs good nutrition. There are plenty of foods that are good for a mother-to-be herself and her little one; however, we’re going to talk about fruits and vegetables a pregnant woman must eat.

Important for a healthy diet, fruits and vegetables are packed with vital nutrients and essential fiber. Now with an unborn child in tow, they will provide your baby with vitamins and minerals necessary for growth and good health. You could incorporate protein with your fruits and vegetables such as cottage cheese (paneer) so you get an energy boost. After all, pregnancy leaves you exhausted.

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What can fruits and vegetables provide?

As mentioned, key vitamins and minerals are extremely important for good health. The ones you will find in fruits and vegetables include:

  • Beta carotene, which is important for your baby’s cell and tissue development, vision, and immune system.
  • Vitamin C, as you know is important for your baby’s (and growing kids’) bones and teeth, and the collagen in their connective tissue.
  • Potassium, which is important for controlling blood pressure.
  • Folic acid, which is important for preventing neural tube defects (serious birth defects of the spinal cord such as spina bifida and the brain such as anencephaly) and helping healthy birth weight.
  • The fiber found in both fruits and vegetables provides benefits such as good bowel movement because constipation is a major pregnancy problem.
  • Fiber also prevents hemorrhoids, which is yet another common pregnancy problem.

It’s advised for pregnant women to eat around 2 cups of fruits a day along with 2 to 3 cups of vegetables. To further enhance your nutritious intake, you must also incorporate leafy greens in your diet. Include all the colours from green to yellow to purple to even red. On a side note – try your best to ensure the fruits and vegetables are fresh rather than frozen and canned.

Fruits that are highly recommended

Bananas – As mentioned, constipation is a common problem during pregnancy, so to avoid constipation and wanting a clean system, have bananas.

Grapes – People sometimes doubt grapes, but they are rich in Vitamin A, which is good for your metabolism. They also have potassium, phosphorous, magnesium, and sodium, which are beneficial during pregnancy.

Sweet Lime – This is an important fruit that reduces nausea. Doesn’t get better than does this for the women get morning sickness. Sweet lime is also good for common health problems during pregnancy because citrus fruits are loaded with antioxidants that are great for your baby.

Mango – You know how they say seasonal fruits have extra benefits? Well, mango most definitely does, as it helps digestion and has Vitamin A and C, which are important for a pregnant woman.

Berries – Raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, and blueberries are all rich in antioxidants; they’re even considered as a super food!

Avocados – this healthy fatty food is also rich in folic acid, which does wonders for a pregnant woman because it helps prevent neural tube defects (mentioned above).

Neural tube defects occur during the early stages of development, sometimes even before you know you’re pregnant.

Other fruits that add to your good health during pregnancy include tangerines, watermelon, pear, pineapple, guava, kiwi, cantaloupe, cherries, grapefruit or grapefruit juice, and apricots.

Vegetables that are highly recommended

Vegetables include plenty of greens (collard greens, kale, leafy lettuce, mustard greens, spinach, Swiss chard), beets, broccoli (has calcium, folate high fiber, disease-fighting antioxidants, vitamin C), green peas, sweet potatoes, asparagus, and tomatoes.

If we have left any fruits and veggies out, let us know in the comments below.

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