The Truth About Being Pregnant In Your 30s

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These days, a lot of women have begun considering 30’s to be the perfect time to have a baby. A few of the reasons include that they feel more settled in their career, are more financially stable, and have also gained the wisdom to better tackle the challenges that accompany motherhood. Due to the aforementioned reasons, women now prefer having kids later rather than sooner nowadays.

As one of the sayings rightfully states: “age is just a number”. But, it is still important to ensure a good lifestyle to maximize your physical health before you decide to delve into pregnancy, even more so at a later stage. If you are planning to put your plans of having a baby on hold for some time, we bring you some facts that can help you make a well-informed decision.

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Pros Of Having A Baby Post 30’s

Pros Of Having A Baby Post 30's

Image: Shutterstock

First, let’s discuss the advantages of having a baby after the age of 30. Here, have a look:

  • Fiscal Stability: This is one of the most common reasons for women to make the choice of having kids after 30’s. After turning 30, you are more financially settled. And, you have also become much wiser about expenses and savings, and make better money-related decisions.
  • Relationship Is More Stable: Soon after getting married, you are still in the process of discovering each other. You may even have all sorts of fights, in the process of which you will begin understanding each other better. So, by the time you turn 30, you are more adept at providing a stable, healthy environment for your little one to grow up in.
  • Have A Solid Support System: If you become pregnant at the age of 25, you may be the only girl among your peers to have made the decision. So, you will find yourself running to people much older than you for advice. But, if you become pregnant at a later stage, you will have a close set of friends who you can share that experience with.
  • You Would Have Experienced Much More: When you become pregnant at a young age, you may find yourself regretting the fact that you haven’t had enough experiences. But, having traveled, worked, and lived many adventures, you feel more content and more ready to take on the challenges that come along with motherhood.

Cons Of Becoming Pregnant At A Later Stage

Cons Of Becoming Pregnant At A Later Stage

Image: Shutterstock

We need to accept that the biological clock is very much a fact of life. And, there are certain risks associated with becoming pregnant after you are well into your 30s (35 and above). It is important to know about these disadvantages so that you can take special care accordingly. Here we go (1):

  • It May Take Longer For You To Become Pregnant: You are born with only a certain amount of eggs, so both its quantity and quality reduces with time. Also, for older women, the eggs also don’t get as easily fertilized as it does for younger women. So, if you find yourself not getting pregnant even after six months of trying, do consult your healthcare professional once.
  • You Are More Prone To Having Multiple Babies: It is said that a woman’s likelihood of having twins increases with age because of reasons such as hormonal changes which can result in multiple eggs being released simultaneously.
  • Chances Of Gestational Diabetes Increases: The special type of diabetes that happens only during gestation is much more common among older women. But, if you regulate blood sugar levels with the help of physical activity and diet, it may be managed. At times, doctors also suggest medications for the same.
  • You May Have To Undergo A Cesarean Delivery: Older women may have a risk of more pregnancy-related complications, thus, increasing the chances of a C-section delivery.

There is no need to get worried if you aren’t ready right now. With the medical advancements, there are more and more women who are becoming pregnant at a later stage. But, remember that you will have to be more careful and ensure a healthy lifestyle. Good luck, ladies!

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