Watch This Hilarious Video Of Sadie Who Doesn't Want Her Brother To Grow Up

Kids being protective about their younger siblings can be incredibly cute.

Seems like five-year-old Sadie was blown away with the fact that her brother will be grown up one day. Apparently she has just been told so. She will hold and nip him forever so he won’t grow…awww…

It hasn’t percolated her senses that one has to pass all stages of life; birth, growth, and death. She doesn’t want him to grow up; that’s all. Come to think of it…neither do we. She is so cute. Watch for more on this clip:

We adore Sadie’s innocence and her reluctance to accept the truth called growing up. Children live in their Utopian world, especially if they are under six. It’s the phase where they are pampered the most; there is no responsibility or care in the world. Growing up sounds a bit scary, and can be overwhelming for them. And growing up also means Sadie cannot have a cute little brother to play with. Listen her say that! She tells him how cute his smile is!

Now here’s the catch.

When the older sibling gets protective and possessive about the younger one, it is not only beautiful to watch them bond so well, but also a time when they can be encouraged to keep up the healthy emotions. It is a sign that she has already grasped the meaning of having a sibling. Say, “You are amazing! You are such a good big sister, and so be kind to your brother.”

It’s important to talk about this because as parents you need to mold your children into people who care for others. A recent study suggests that parents are prouder of their children when they get good grades at school as opposed to how compassionate or sensitive they were towards a community member. Caring must therefore first begin at home with siblings. Although it can be natural, it must be intended for sealing off any space for sibling rivalry!

How can a parent help a child prioritize caring for others just as much as they would want to prioritize their kids’ accomplishments and happiness first? Well, here are few tips:

Children should learn to be concerned about the needs of those around them. It could be in terms of simple things like sharing a toy or standing up for a friend in an hour of need.

You can also have the teachers play an important role in molding children into empathetic people. Teachers could rate your children based on their behavior with community members at the school.

Kids must be taught to cultivate restraint in their choice of words when angry, exhausted or agitated in any manner.

Don’t keep rewarding children for every act of kindness. They will take it for granted. They must realize what is expected of them as young members of the family. As such, the urge to help in sibling’s homework, or cleaning up the table and helping in other chores must come to them with a sense of responsibility. Reward them when they display unusual acts of kindness.

Expose kids to the fact that there are many unprivileged children out there. Get them to understand that things don’t come easily in life. At the same time ask them as to how they would like to help the less fortunate children elsewhere in the world.

Introduce kids to decision making in case of a dilemma. What if a friend invites her to play, but her best friend doesn’t like her?

Caring is crucial to grow into good human beings. Encourage children to become sensible siblings and friends. You will be much prouder of them than their achievements.

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